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Everything posted by Jeff

  1. Not to high jack your thread , John, but... just a quick answer, if FedEx etc is used , it seems there is a 'Brokerage" fee attached, and that usually adds another 10-12 bucks and that is for nothing...and that infuriates me to no end... and oh yes, ALL the bills arrive ahead of schedule ! Now back to the Mosquito operation... looking forward to the next update installment, John..... Jeff
  2. Thanks, John.... it sure can be painful sometimes...
  3. Just seems that’s the way it is. It has been like that here forever. I live in a small town 35 miles north of the U.S. border and half way between Vancouver BC and Calgary Alberta. Not like we are way off the beaten track. I have never got an order in less than at 3 to 4 weeks. Usually between 4 and 6 weeks.
  4. You guys are so lucky to get your mail orders in such good time. I have ALWAYS have had to wait AT LEAST a month for anything I have ordered, even if it is ordered within Canada. 🙄 Jeff
  5. And what happened to that build, Carl? On the back shelf somewhere I bet. Sure would be cool to see that again. Focus , Carl , Focus🤭😆😆😆😆😆😆 I don’t recall it being across the finish line. I DO recall it was a fabulous build so far. Jeff
  6. Low miles , low production = 💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵
  7. Shows what I know , I thought the brown overspray was oxidation/ rust on the exhaust pipe. I actually thought it looked pretty good. 🙄 Jeff
  8. Oh boy. A Mossie ! I’m in , John. One of my top fav’s. But the Boffins certainly ruined the beautiful lines by adding the big ‘knob’ up front. I get it, but still….. anyway that part is inconsequential to this build. As usual it will be top drawer. I’m looking forward to this….. Jeff
  9. Turned out beautifully , John. The RN Corsairs look really good. Maybe another one on the horizon one day? Or a French one, they are colorful. Excellent job on this one for sure, take a bow ! Jeff
  10. R. J. Mitchell is smiling down at you , Peter. I’m sure he is giving you some guidance and support. The float struts are highly detailed models themselves. Jaw dropping skills. Such a pleasure to watch this come together. Jeff
  11. Great words of wisdom. I will have to keep this in mind for when I run into trouble. I think these are good thoughts and I bet Peter will get back to this in time and it will be a show stopper. Jeff
  12. Awe maaaaannnn. 😢I an crushed. So sorry it got to you. But don’t toss it. Leave it in the stash. One day you may decide that you want to beat it. I’ve done that. Just don’t toss it. Especially the decals etc. with your skills I know you can beat it into submission. And watch a few episodes of SkyKing. That will keep the juices flowing a little bit. I thought you were doing a fabulous job. As I said before, the true art of modelling. Jeff
  13. Mike , you and Peter are exhibiting the true art of modelling. Your attention to details, problem solving and excellent skills with repair work are making this kit and the Songbird kit looking great. And the final result will be a model to be proud of. I’m looking forward to the next episode… Jeff
  14. 🤣🤣🤣🤣Guard Dwog on Duty !!!!🤣🤣🤣
  15. I sure wish I could model like this. Incredible attention to the finest details. Flawless Jeff
  16. Silly dog !!! 🤭🤣🤣🤣🤣way too cute !
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