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Everything posted by theseeker

  1. Which ultrasonic cleaner are you folks using?
  2. This is one beautiful build!
  3. Excellent! I thought it was Shep's too.
  4. This one is on my list and I can't wait to get your feedback on the kit.
  5. MY female GSD approves.....
  6. Excellent pit and outstanding finishies. Rocky
  7. Arnold, What type of light is that? Rocky
  8. I am looking forward to this!
  9. Thanks Matt. The UC doors are actually close to accurate for a D-13, but not for a D-9. I added a wire terminal and a starter crank, but the crank is too long. That will be easy to fix, the tape won't.... The tail wheel assembly is terrible, it looks like this in the kit......... This is a drawing I found..... So, off with his head............... A little drilling, some tube cutting and voiola.... I have some more to do to it, but you get the idea. I am working on the tail section, as that will be opened up too. Hopefully I will be able to get some RLM 02 applied tomorrow, I need some color. In the meantime I am working on the pit, the radio, scratchbuilding a battery and the compass. Cheers Rocky
  10. Nice builds Gregory! Those would go great in a WNW diorama.
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