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Everything posted by Drifter

  1. Oh man, that looks good, and close to home for me.
  2. What are you on about? That looks excellent.
  3. Thanks Martin, we have him on a new diet, working like a charm.
  4. Shadow, not a puppy anymore. Watching the news with us on the telle.
  5. Superb work. Hopefully I can get my Mojo back now that my life is slowly coming back together again.
  6. WOW, thats some progress. Those Quinta seat belts look the real deal.
  7. Looking good. I started an ICM kit as well, my first one. So far I am impressed.
  8. Not impressed at all. Not at that price point anyways. Molotow chrome looks better if you ask me.
  9. Wow, a day late. Royal Mail has been doing mr for two months now. I have two UK orders that are just floating around somewhere. There is a USPS order somewhere as well, was sent in December. Guess I might just write them off. Oh, and an order from Eduard is also "on it's way" for two months now. Shipping has gone to the dogs, and that is a huge problem for me. We just dont have suppliers in South Africa for after market stuff. The few that might have an item, charge you 5 times more than importing it yourself. Not too long ago I could order from Hannants on Monday morning, and I receive my parcel on the Friday. Gone are those days.
  10. That has been slated as an urban legend, or plain propoganda if you will. There is no evidence that it is true.
  11. Have to feel for them, they were busy building up an impressive range of quality products.
  12. Hi Dean, MIG/AK product are a hit and miss in SA, You can try Pegasus hobbies, but they are usually out of stock. I have given up and import direct from MIG and AK. The orders usually arrive in about two weeks, and it works out cheaper in he end. JIX hobbies also stock from time to time. https://pegasushobbysupplies.co.za/
  13. They appear in a few lisiting on Scalemates, so I guess they must be ok. I wanted to place an order, but they do not ship to South Africa. See link below: https://www.trustpilot.com/review/plazajapan.com
  14. Jeepers Gaza, that is exceptional work. All is just perfect.
  15. One day. Promise.
  16. That looks good, I have never built a ZM kit, nor even seen one in real life.
  17. That's great. I have this kit in my sights as well. Will follow here with keen interest.
  18. For what it's worth and being late to the party: https://brexitmodeller.com/forums/topic/25511-curtiss-wright-sb2c-4-helldiver/
  19. Congrats Martin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well deserved, very happy for you.
  20. Now see guys!! That is how it is done. Fantastic outcome John.
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