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Everything posted by Drifter

  1. That is something else. I cant figure out the pricing?
  2. This thread wants me to risk the divorce and buy myself a 1/32 Lanc.
  3. WOW, that is so well done. Pics are stunning.
  4. I built the Trumpeter 1:24 P-51D IV. was not bad at all.
  5. Here in South Africa, we are on day 495 of national lockdown. We moved to adjusted level 3 from adjusted level 4, 2 weeks ago. Level 5 is the most severe lockdown, confined to home with no travel allowed, except with a permit. I have lost 2 jobs due to Covid. Have been unemployed for 3 months, started a new job yesterday. The Delta version has hit hard, problem is people dont follow rules like waring masks, social distancing etc. Our 9:00 Pm until 04:00 AM. I now see they have founf Delta Plus as well. If you have loads of time, I can expand into pages and pages.
  6. So tempted to visit.
  7. Jeepers, my mind can't quite grasp what I just saw. Brilliant.
  8. Brilliant and inspiring work.
  9. Going to invest in these as well at a later stage. Need to get back on my feet first.
  10. Thanks Jeff, was a very stressful 2 months. The job market is dead over here.
  11. Brilliant book, but with the ZAR vs EUR exchange rate, out of my league.
  12. HaHa, already building a wish list.
  13. And lo and behold. Yesterday I received a formal job offer, starting on Monday. Phew, what a relief. Now to make up two months loss of income.
  14. I got a nice red letter that due to financial constraints and budget cutbacks, I will be retrenched. So jobless at the moment, it sucks in this COVID climate.
  15. I have a package waiting at my post office. It arrived during the week. I ordered the item Feb 2020 in Poland. Only a year to get here.
  16. Drifter

    My Non-LSM

    Just awesome. Maybe I should try the same.
  17. That's superb. This is on my to do list, but much much later.
  18. I have always dreamt of a blow from Laura, but what is happening in your area doesnt quite match the picture I have.
  19. Happy Happy, I would have drink for you, but our "book shops" have been closed by the guavament. Covid risk they ay.
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