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The Great LSM Twins Group Build ends July 3, 2024 ×


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Everything posted by belugawhaleman

  1. looks like a well-engineered kit,and a fun build. I'll be watching.
  2. That seems to be in common with most sites out there.
  3. I got an email from them this morning stating that my order has been processed. I placed the order yesterday. Let's hope things will be ok.
  4. Oh great, another Hobby Models type experience in my future. well, thanks for the heads up. I don't even see an email given for them. Oh well.....heck!
  5. Actually, almost coincidentally, I remember recently viewing this book while browsing books on my kindle account. In fact, it's still in my browsing history!. I also now remember mentioning to my mother at the time. Talk about a small world! Thanks anyway. I'm glad you brought it up or else I would have forgotten. Thanks again; Paul the Belugawhaleman.
  6. Thanks for the link. I just downloaded the book.
  7. Sounds like an interesting read. I'll look for that one.
  8. Truthfully, my last modeling effort wasn't that rewarding. Thankfully, I still have reading. For me, reading is among the most rewarding of my pastimes. My kindle Oasis is the best gift I have ever been given. The past year was difficult to survive. Reading helped. Haven't heard Ghost riders in the sky in years. Nelson & Cash---good stuff! pull me through.
  9. Yes, but the outfit seems to have branches in France,Denmark, the UK,and etc. the website I ordered from has a Chicago area phone number as a contact. It's weird, I hope I haven't made a mistake. .
  10. Has anyone had any experience with an outfit named '1001 hobbies' ? I just ordered some Eduard photo etch from them.
  11. Tamiya used to make a lot of big scale motorcycle kits. Now, they mostly make them in 1/12 scale with an occasional re-issue in 1/6 scale. I made a few in the 1980's. I found another big Honda kit that I bought in the late 90's . Some of the parts have been assembled, but not painted; the frame, gas tank, and engine. I think the rest of the parts are there, so I think I can finish it.
  12. I've been also looking for Tamiya gloss black------found some!! I bought 4 of the large bottles. I'm good for the semi-gloss. I need olive drab for a microscopic FWD WW 1 truck in 1/35 scale from ICM. A local supplier, Tower Hobbies, is out of it. I have a can of the Tamiya spray that I can decant for my airbrush. Anyway, that's a future project. Next will be the big Honda or Takom's big Ft; this time with Berliet turret in an early Brazilian scheme.
  13. The Takom Tadpole and the new 2 in one Male/female kit include the snap-together tracks from what I understand. These are also impossible to find in stock. A lot of people hoarding, I guess.
  14. Thanks for the replies. The takom snap-together tracks have been, so far, impossible for me to find. Everywhere I've looked they have been out of stock. I'll look for the master club tracks. Thanks again. Same for the Master club tracks.
  15. I have one of these kits. Has anyone here built this kit? I'm worried about the tracks. Each track link has five parts! I'd be interested in hearing from anyone with info on building this kit Thanks; Paul.
  16. About 20 years ago I built Tamiya's 1/6 scale Harley-Davidson police bike. I used tamiya gloss white. it was easy to spray and the finish was beautiful. Incidentally, I found the ravaged corpse of this model tossed in a drawer at my mom's house. It was destroyed. It was a nice model. R.I.P.
  17. An interesting theory. Personally, I think it's those Robot building, gundam ,anime, fantasy, sci-fi builders out there who are responsible for this shortage. You know how they like things glossy.
  18. Thanks. Yes, I realize my un-weathered krupp must look a little bland to most modelers here.
  19. Well, ... it looks like this planned build might be delayed by the bizarre global shortage of Tamiya gloss white in 23 ml bottles. Everywhere I look it's backordered or currently unavailable. What the heck is going on with this? This model is mostly gloss white and this is a problem. Update; I found a website with mini tamiya x2 gloss white in stock. Bought ten mini bottles. I hate these tamiya mini bottles. Whose idea was this? All these years the 3/4 ounce bottles where the norm. Why downsize?
  20. Final assembly and it's painted. I had to change plans with regard to the wheels. I originally had planned to use the wheels with the articulating pads. I assembled them and painted them, but they kept breaking. The final straw came when trying to mount them on the gun when about a dozen of the pads broke off. So I chose the simple option. Here are some pictures of the model as it is. I haven't decide or not to call it finished or to try some additional detailing and weathering. The model is fragile so handling is difficult.
  21. Either I have developed paranoid delusions or the giant bunny stalking me is really there. On the bright side,..........I haven't seen Gregor ,the cockroach ,for weeks...... ....Always going for my Oreos....the pest.. Spock!.......put that tricorder away, it's humming disturbs me.
  22. Well done! Always loved the Starfighter and your model is very impressive.....once again, WELL DONE!!!!!
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