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Everything posted by Peterpools

  1. Hi Rob Yup, the yellow decal stripe broke apart in the 'wet warm soke water. Then when I finally had it in place on the model and with a light application of Micro Set, it shattered into a million pieces. The remaining yellow stripe decal was sent to the trash immediately. I took some fancy dancing and masking so I could paint the yellow stripes on, masking over existing decals. Just glad all the decaling with the blue and yellow decals are done. Decaling is still my favorite part of a build as I don't expect decals, especially ones I just bought to shatter and be unusable. Decaling for me is the point in a build, that once done, you can see the finish line. Peter
  2. Sasha Some mighty nice detailing. and looking so good. Keep 'em comin Peter
  3. Mark Nice going. Going to be an exceptional project as is Kai's. Looking forward to this build in the not too far future. Keep 'em comin Peter
  4. Phil Agreed and in this crazy world and times, kits are now a major purchase. Keep 'em comin Peter
  5. Hi John Glad to see you joined the GB and looking forward to your build. I'm close to being done with mine. Keep 'em comin Peter
  6. Kev Nice work on the decals - looking mighty good Keep 'em comin Peter
  7. Phil Amazing details for sure. Keep 'em comin Peter
  8. Carl Progress is progress and while it may seem not like much was done, that's a lot of real estate to paint in one seeion. Keep 'em comin Peter
  9. Hubert Some mighty nice work and a good plan, in working on the complete undercarriage assembly together, allowing you to do all the painting and weathering for this area. Going to have to buy a bottle of red primer and give it a try as it does have a lot of possibilities. The details look a amzing. Keep 'em comin Peter
  10. Thaks Hubery Very much appreciated and some very good advice. next airliner and there will be more down the road, areas such the empennage and winglets, I'll mask and airbrush right from the start - end the end, it would be so much less work and no cleanup which is going to be a tough act to do. Keep 'em comin Peter
  11. Mark Nice start on a terrific kit. Following all the way. Keep 'em comin Peter
  12. Mark So glad the juices are flowing at a rapid pace - you're progress is amazing and the cammo is looking so good. Keep 'em comin Peter
  13. John Terrific work, a gorgeous paint scheme and finish. Outstanding work for sure Keep 'em comin Peter
  14. John Even Superman or Batman, couldn't work at that high and speed. Absolutely beautiful work as always. Keep 'em comin Peter
  15. Carl She is looking mighty good ... aces on the cammo work. I'm sure the B-24 is in the heavy weight department with all the weight you added and is a' handful' the more you have to lift the model during a work session. Sure wish I had the room for the 32nd scale heavies but there just isn't the needed real estate. Keep 'em comin Peter
  16. Gaz Looking good and the PE adds so much. Thanks fr the tip on using Tamiya Extra Thin to sel small PE parts before CA - it's going to come in mighty handy. Keep 'em comin Peter
  17. Carl Looking good. Keep 'em comin Peter
  18. Thanks Rob, much appreciated. I could pass off the blue decals chipping and cracking from even how I decal but the yellow bands, cracked as soon as they went in the soak wet water and when the Micro Set was applied, they shattered. Just not sure what or whys but I'm close to finishing the decaling and then working on the last assemblies - the engines and gear. Completely agree matching the UIA blue isn't going to be easy, but I'll take my best shot at it. I never would have guessed you dislike decaling so much, for me it's the stage in the build where everything starts to come together and the model seems to come to life. Looking at my list of favorite and dislike parts of a build; scribing is is my most disliked part of any build by a mile.so low on the list. Keep 'em comin Peter
  19. DECALING WHAT A NIGHTMARE With nearly all the paint work finished it was time to move onto decaling and what normally is my favorite portion of any build, almost turned into a nightmare and disaster. I’ve always been a military aircraft modeler and you learn to do things in a certain way and sequence, that is repeatable from build to build and one of those disciplines is decaling. As I’ve discovered ‘that ain’t the case’ when it comes to auto and airline modeling. With military aircraft modeling for the most part you are working with flat paints and it is imperative to first apply a smooth clear gloss finish so that the decals will conform, lay down properly and help eliminate the dreaded silvering in the clear carrier film In both airline modeling and auto modeling, the paint work color coats are applied as smoothly and glossy as possible, requiring a good deal of time and effort. Since the painted surface is so glossy smooth there is no need for the customary clear gloss at this point at all. So, it’s straight onto decaling. I purchased a set of AM decals from Airline Supply by BOA and was very happy how the decals looked on the sheets and instructions are well done and printed in a color to boot; BOA is located in the Czech Republic. Along with the BOA decals I would need to use quite a few of the Revell decals as well, mainly for the wings, engines and a other fuselage details. The BOA decals were just for the airline markings and not for the aircraft detail markings and stencils. Never having worked with BOA Decals or an airliner either, I started with the right side front windows. I just followed the instructions and spent many hours over two full sessions just doing the right side fuselage decals and the front windshield, as all the glass was a double decal with the silver frames being a separate decals. All was going well and I reached the empennage area of the Embraer and here the first of the troubles showed their ugly face. The blue decals for the tail end are two large pieces for each side, initially not too difficult to place and as I worked them into place, decals began to cracks and some small chips appeared. As I applied Micro Sol gently onto the decals the chipping and cracking continued nor could I coaxed them to wrap around the leading edge of the vertical stabilizer and the top. I let them to dry and thought I would just carefully trim and brush paint the thin edges that needed clean up. Nope, the decal kept on cracking and chipping. Some nice chunks flaked off the bottom as well when I touched them. The instructions called out FS15052 as the correct decal blue and here in the states, only Life Color had the color in its line. I bought a bottle and when it arrived, OMG, it was way too dark and I’m guessing it’s the wrong FS number. I had no choice now but to attempt to mix my own and when all the decaling is done, I’ll go back and try and paint out the chips and cracks after all the decaling has been completed. The yellow stripe is a separate decal and a big deal. As soon as I put the yellow stripe decal in warm wet soak water, it broke apart into three distinct pieces and didn’t seem like a big deal as I would just place each piece on the fuselage in its correct location and move on. No way buckey, the second I brushed on some Micro Set, the decal shattered into a zillion pieces – totally unusable. So now what? A new plan: I needed to mask out the yellow stripe, a tough act as the masking tape, no matter how thin I cut it would be so very close to the blue decals, which mine had marginal sticking power. Yup, by accident, in a few spots, the de-tacked Tamiya tape touched the blue decal and of course, a small chunk of decal pulled right off. At this point, I needed a break and turned my attention to the wings, using the Revell decals which were just fine. I followed both the Revell and BOA instructions and the Revell decals went on perfectly with no issues. Getting such thin and small black lines straight took a bit of time, but all worked out very well. To be fair, as a newbie to airline modeling and this was my first-time using BOA decals, I could have been part of the problems. The blue and yellow decals cracking on the model are normally an age issue, I bought them new from Airline Supply less then a month or so ago – I just don’t know. Decaling still needs to be finished and all the blue decal chipping and cracking still needs to be repaired. Next Up: engines, pylons and the gear. Thanks for checking in Peter
  20. Rob Thanks for the heads up - will keep an eye open for it's release. Keep 'em comin Peter
  21. Rob So glad you Renault arrived already. My on line vendor has not received their shipment yet and I'm on the list for one. Looking forward to you starting one of your Tamiya 1/12 scale kits. I still have my Ferrari 312T to finish yet. Keep 'em comin Peter
  22. Gus The Comet looks mighty good and my money is riding on you that the figures will be so well done. Keep 'em comin Peter
  23. Mark Absolutely agree. Keep 'em comin Peter
  24. So well done and she sure is small. Keep 'em comin Peter
  25. Sasha Right with martin and will be following Keep em comin Peter
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