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Everything posted by Bomber_County

  1. I’ll second that on behalf of the committee........
  2. That was a steal, totally agree with about DS.........going to a show tomorrow.........
  3. Harv you’re motoring now ..........so the Nats still possible?
  4. Carl, man you’re motoring on this one, wish I had 1/10th of your bench time..........looking good .......
  5. That’s so weird, I’d get your security reviewed................dare I ask what stash count stands at or would A Cray have trouble computing it........
  6. Happy b’day James..........
  7. Martin, how did I miss this beauty, vaguely remeber you starting this, man your quick....... did I dream it or is there going to be a new tooling in 32nd or 48th?
  8. Thanks Martin, was apprehensive in posting..........
  9. Ok, I’m really confused now, is the 229 a resin kit, I thought, probably naively it was IM...........I bought the ZM F4J and that’s IM...........am I going mad..........
  10. Thanks Gaz, not up to your standard though.......
  11. So with the Marder III finished and photographed. The next on the list is M4a3e8 on the bench now and almost there........
  12. Thanks, much appreciated...... the rust was Mig Light Rust P024 mixed with Vallejo Matt varnish.......
  13. Stunning Gaz.........only Russian armour I have done is a JS2.....
  14. Welcome aboard Larry, that’s a show stopper as a first completed project........
  15. I’d suggest everyone test drives one, it will make you smile, no dickie seats that I know of......
  16. You are to kind my friend.......appreciated more than anyone knows
  17. Appreciated Gus. thanks
  18. Carl, she’s looking drop dead gorgeous, you must nearly there.......
  19. Sublime as ever John........
  20. Much appreciated Rob, must admit been nervous about showing. Never did on TOS. Thanks for the heads up, I swear you get get model blindness sometimes......
  21. My first completed project ever to be shown to anyone.......not sure about this but here goes..... Dragon Marder III H was probably my second kit when I returned to the the hobby. For some unknown reason it resided on the in progress shelf for a number of years. After the thread of New Year Resolutions I vowed to clear my in progress shelf and complete the list of 10 odd projects. So calling this one done....... The kit IMHO is good, typical Dragon but builds up nicely if careful. Read the instructions four times, goes without saying. Anyway for the pictures, here goes......apologies for the pics, these were shot on the iPad. Will try on the next project to use a proper camera.......all comments welcome.......
  22. Was reading my copy of Aeodata B24 Early Models book, apparently the trim tab on the starboard aileron was a) only on the starboard wing and b) was enlarged on some models.........they do show a Ford built general arrangement plan....... thought maybe of interest...
  23. Martin, which make of Beau is that? Is going to to be a Banff or North Coates strike wing ship.......
  24. Looking forward to the progress Ernie.......... BTW, Danny that workbench is far to tidy............
  25. Years ago I owned a Triumph GT6 Mk III, straight six, 2 litre. Anyway I thought I’d enter it at a show having resprayed it and redone all the interior. Man did the mark me down on everything, dirt on the callipers, dust under the seats, one thumb print on the chrome. Never again.......I miss that car.......now have a MX5 RF MK IV (Miata) to you guys........
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