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Everything posted by Bomber_County

  1. That’s good Harv , not sure if Volks have a rep here in the UK. Hopefully will not need one.......
  2. Hmmmmmmmm, glad you got it sorted Peter. Knowing my luck that would have happened on the plane and not the drop tanks.......
  3. Nice haul Harv, no excuse for having to work on the kitchen now...........
  4. I have come to the conclusion that resin is only for masochists.......or ............fill in as appropriate.......but seriously Martin, stunning build
  5. Were there a few expletives Ernie.......damn that’s not good.......looking stunning never the less.....
  6. Jeroen, do you what all the boxes do, I am completely clueless on the guidance system for a V2.......the looking my friend...
  7. Cees, wow and wow, that takes some real modelling skill to take the razor saw out like this. Just bought my first F4J - ZM. Probably will not be cutting this first one up......
  8. Stunning Peter as ever........
  9. Very nice Harv, bet the Ernie could make a mess of that in 3 seconds.........
  10. Nice Tiger what colour is she finished in.....love the subtle but obvious weathering....
  11. Glad to have you and Bev back .........those nationals are not that far away......
  12. Welcome aboard Misha, friendliest place on the web thing......
  13. Absolutely stunning Mike, it would have taken me a year to get where you are.......the cockpits are a work of art in themselves.....
  14. Gaz, completely missed your build, I like the idea of the diorama. What did use as snow?
  15. Just catching up as well, stunning weathering and clean building....congrats
  16. Thanks Peter, I keep looking at the Hataka but I have a ton a Vallejo. The odour is a problem I find with the Tamiya .......When I get low of something I’ll give them a go.....
  17. I think we will have to send Ernie around to either confirm or help mess it up a little.......
  18. Love to see a build log on this beauty.......
  19. Scratch Marder III off the list and E8 almost there........will post Marder in completed works if I dare.......
  20. Hope your on your way by now..........
  21. Come on Peter, you know you want to try one these tanky things..........
  22. Jeroen, another masterclass in session.........
  23. I’m sure we could come up with a Latin sounding name for the AM disease........
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