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Everything posted by Martinnfb

  1. I don't get it. by creating irregularities on the surface you are introducing disturbance to the airflow, therefore increasing turbulence and drag. What I am missing here?
  2. Interesting, I have never noticed that missing glazing. Well done
  3. Oh, apologies about the confusion. That is the F model with different radiator setup.
  4. yup, same here , boiling water worked for me.
  5. Col. Scott with his K, not E, shows the above mentioned features. A quick note for future victims, Barracuda E decal copied this style of shark mouth.
  6. Indeed, also a trademark of all P-40s is the fact that spinner almost covers the data stencil on the root of the blades. Once you see it, you can’t unsee it.
  7. On K model both sides should have them. And the position lights on the side of the fuselage were erased on many K's too.
  8. Nice and swift progress John, I got inspired and ordered the FineScale seatbelts
  9. That's wild. Bureaucracy at it's finest, it seems.
  10. Nice , I've never seen a photograph of this particular plane, but I would assume there would be an intake hole at the left wing root position.
  11. Looking good Scot, do you have any particular marking in mind? Cheers Martin
  12. Anybody is up for a resolution, not to buy anything for a month? Savage right?
  13. And how am I supposed to watch my cholesterol ?
  14. Fantastic work, clean and crisp. Bravo! Cheers Martin
  15. Culemeyer/Strasenroller trailer can be scratched and the rest is basically OOB. Just an idea
  16. The supports release had to be nerve-racking , but the result is well worth it. Ultra fine detail.
  17. Fantastic subject selection. Will follow with interest. interesting info here Cheers Martin
  18. motivational clicks
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