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Everything posted by Martinnfb

  1. appropriate banner
  2. Gentleman , here we are with the SANDDBOX GB. As usually, here are the very few rules to follow, the rest is up to your imagination, interest and creative skills. Eligible to enter is any subject as long as it is related to desert, sand or conditions alike. Scale free ! Started entries are OK, although they shall not be built further then approximately 25% Starting date September 01. 2024, End January 01. 2025. HAVE FUN !!! Cheers Martin
  3. Looking good John. Obligatory question
  4. Beautifully rendered surface. Top notch as always Mike. Cheers Martin
  5. Looks ok-ish to me. Nobody expects Tamiya quality from an ancient Airfix, yet this is a very clean build . me likey Cheers Martin
  6. Banner for this GB. If you like, copy and paste it into your signature.
  7. Ernie is the boss and he’s working on it as we type . GB starts tomorrow , Texas time
  8. You've got this Chris. Wishing you a speedy recovery .
  9. Interesting idea, great looking model. Well done Chris.
  10. Really nice finish Kevin. Cheers Martin
  11. What a great looking beast. Well done! Cheers Martin
  12. Really nice build John, thank you for sharing. Cheers Martin
  13. Yeah, blame it on Martin ......
  14. Almost there, looking really good. Cheers Martin
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