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Everything posted by HubertB

  1. Beautiful. This forthcoming Airscale panel looks the bees knees Hubert
  2. Great job ! Getting there, and it pomises to be spectacular. Btw, as a « tool-addict » who has always professed he needed the « right tool for the right job » ( oh, the strength of self-delusion) what you have achieved is all the more spectacular when I see your bench. Hubert
  3. Yes, at the bottom of the site main page. See the « non-LSM reviews and builds » Hubert
  4. I’ll send you a PM when I’m back home in Portugal. I don’t want to pollute this site with expressions of what I am feeling about what’s going on over there ... Take care, mate. Hubert
  5. I think I recognise this man on your avatar ... Glad to see you around, Dale. Hubert
  6. You mean ... you did not see the humour of the last 12 years, best summed up as « We get all the big fat bonuses, and you loose your house, your savings, and your government is baling us out, many times and increasing taxes in consequence ( but we bought a new Porsche, a new Rolex, and a new house in Rhode Island) » Too bad, this was so funny, we are running in a new sequel, soon and fast Hubert
  7. Very subtle oil canning effects ... Well done ! Hubert, feeling cheeky ...
  8. Think I read somewhare that it was « Falsy ». Can’t remember where, though .... Hubert
  9. Methink that between a P-51 A and a P-47, you should choose a Tamiya Corsair, John ... Just my Hubert
  10. This keeps getting better and better ... Hubert
  11. Great subject, Martin .... Now about that Mig 15, He-111, B-25, La-7, .... Hubert
  12. +1 for Tamiya rattle can primers, which can be decanted for airbrushing if need be. I have never seen a black one, and don’t believe there is any, but, on the other hand there is a pink one which is great under red or yellow paint ... Hubert PS: in all honesty, though, I have not (yet) tried other brands of primer. My output is just too low for that ...
  13. I am just quoting LM and the Pentagon’s claims ... Should be true, considering you could buy the whole Phantom fleet with less than 10 F-35s ... Hubert
  14. It could not have happened with F-35s, « because the F-35 does not get into the ennemy’s gun-firing range : he sees and destroys the foe before that ... » Hubert
  15. Will follow this one with interest. As for the comments on another forum, it is fascinating to watch mob phenomena. Since the annoucement of the WnW release in one year (or more) from now, comments about the HK kit have evolved from enthusiasm to bad-faith trashing. I suppose it is human nature to judge comparatively (and in this case, the comparison is between real stuff vs 3D renderings) rather than in absolute terms the merits of products . Anyway, from your review pics and considering your talent, I am sure your end result will be outstanding Hubert
  16. You definitely have a knack with these WnW kits, Dave. Fantastic result ! Hubert
  17. Happy birthday, my friend Hubert
  18. Looks like plenty of smart engineering went into this one, and that it was worth the wait. Excellent pics in this review. Hubert
  19. And the same oil consumption as well ... Hubert
  20. Lovely build ... of an ugly airframe ! Difficult to imagine the same company later produced the Comet, Dragon Rapide, Albatros or Mosquito ... Anyway, absolutely great job, Jeroen Hubert
  21. Got it ! Thanks ! Hubert
  22. I’m afraid I’m too old to be any kind of hipster , and to display durably some facial hair, besides optical tricks on modelling forums’ avatars .... This said, my sons, my nephews, my step-son, my step-daughter’s boyfriend, and even my older brother all display a beard. I confess I feel like an anachronistic loner sometimes Hubert
  23. The one I am wearing on my avatar pic, that draws such a nice moustache on my beautiful face ( thank you, it’s good to hear sincere, disinterested compliments from time to time ) has the option to change to stronger lenses, or even double them on the mount. Useful sometimes. And I wear it on top of my regular glasses already Of course, when you do that, the optimal focal length decreases a lot, and you have to get nearer the part you are working on. To avoid breaking your back, lower your seat to the minimum, like jewellers do. Hubert
  24. I can see the pics now. And I’m gobsmacked as usual Hubert
  25. As the others have said. Nice, clean, and crisp job on this one. Your usual high standards, William Hubert
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