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Everything posted by ScottsGT

  1. Stay positive brother! Just last week on the way to visit my neurosurgeon my wife read me the riot act for ordering $200 of truck parts that “I won’t be able to install for another year” according to her negative outlook. We left the appointment with great news of me progressing so I ordered another $200 of truck parts I’m picking up today. 🤣🤣 We leave on another cruise Thursday and return Monday. Tuesday I’ll be installing all the new front brakes I’ve been collecting parts for. So sorry to hear about your brother. Losing one’s eyesight has to be a horrible experience, especially that late in life.
  2. I bought the FI system when it first came out. Lots of improvements in aftermarket FI since then. And better options too! I thought about yanking all of this out and starting over until it seemed to improve by starting over.
  3. Been spending some time with this old girl. Today was her 59th birthday. She rolled off the assembly line on Oct 25, 1965. And Oct 25th was also my late mother’s birthday. Had to wipe the tune off the EZ-EFI fuel injection system and start over. Ran very rough until it hit the 200 degree operating temp then smoothed out. Let it sit a couple of days and she fired right up. Just a little cantankerous at first, but I was too at 59. After putting a few more miles on it, I pulled out the IR temp gun and noticed some big temp swings on my exhaust ports. Found some potential vacuum leaks I need to address and try again later.
  4. Keep it warm, I’m on my way over! So far I’m 0 and 3 on trying to cook a proper brisket. I’m always over cooking them for one reason or another. One time the batteries in my thermometer were dying and it was reading low. Damned brisket came out like a shoe leather. I need to go hang out with Ernie down in TX and get me a proper brisket education.
  5. Just a quick build today. I think I beat Johns record! An hour and 15 min later….
  6. Oh, that’s so true! I’ll set a goal for the day when she’s home. Get it done by noon and she’s already asking what else am I going to work on today. My standard answer is “Retirement.”
  7. Woohoo! Great news. Went in today for discussion with neurosurgeon after he got my latest MRI’s and X-rays. Since my first visit when I hobbled in with a cane, I’ve had some significant improvements. No cane now except situations where I know I might lose my balance. Like a cruise ship on rough oceans. Yea, that was last week. PT seems to be helping and he wants me to put off surgery at least another three months and then follow up and re-evaluate. They are going to schedule steroid injections in the next few weeks as well. I am slowly getting back the hypersensitivity in my lower extremities and he did say it could take 6-9 months. Now the bad news…The wife has kind of gotten use to me knocking out projects in preparation for 6-12 months recovery. She wants me to keep it up and stay off the bench a little longer. I’ve spoiled her. But I make no promises. Might do a few more odds and ends then back at it.
  8. I’ve been watching threads online about the DIY kits. Biggest complaint is heat from tires causing the paint to bubble and lift up. My brother had this issue in his garage years ago. Supposedly the pro stuff doesn’t do this. Another factor with DIY is people not spending enough time cleaning the old oil stains and getting in a hurry to put it down. I did read where one guy parks in his driveway when he gets home, let’s the tires cool off and then pulls the car in at night. Others have used carpet mats where the tires sit.
  9. Friend of mine has a downstairs/outdoor concrete parking and patio area under his lake home that about 3 times bigger than your area. He was quoted about $25,000 for his. Yea, talk about sticker shock. He’s hoping with the epoxy he’ll be able to just hose it off after a flood event and not have to pressure wash it. Catch 22 is that if it does need to be pressure washed he can only use 2000 psi max.
  10. I absolutely love mine…for certain things only. I have the fan attachment and use it for larger all over paint work. Smaller work, the Iwata is used.
  11. Oh man, I forgot about that video. 🤣🤣
  12. Na man, it seems around here in my area that all Ram Truck drivers act like their mental ignition timing has been turned back a few degrees. I guess all Ram owners here have some kind of pass from LE where they’re allowed to go 20 over everywhere and tailgate those in front of them. It’s a nickname for Ram drivers in my area.
  13. I was curious as well.
  14. Thanks! Yea, I still need to take some better pics of it. I’ve been so busy getting things in order for my surgery and recovery it has just slipped my mind.
  15. Since I shut down the modeling bench to get projects done before my surgery, I’ve been going non stop. Pressure washed the dock due to the flood. This was not a planned project. It had an 1/8”-1/4” of mud covering it. Hung the new 65” on the wall. Our son in law hung their TV over the stand and my wife liked the look of it. Gee, thanks. I got into the leaking truck axle and replaced the hub seal and of course had to do a brake job since they were oil soaked. No pics, but also had the wife driving the zero turn around in case she has to take on mowing chores in the spring. Oh, and yesterday was spent troubleshooting the gas logs where the pilot wouldn’t stay lit. I completely disassembled them, drove over an hour to the gas supplier for them to tell me it was just dust clogging the flame port. He blew it out with canned air and now they’re perfect.
  16. That’s my wife as well. Of course if she has too much she’s a non-stop chatterbox I cannot get to shut up. She goes into narrator mode telling the invisible people in the room what she’s doing all day and what she needs to get done. And if that isn’t bad enough she launches into me because I’m not acting like I’m on a cocaine fueled chore frenzy getting things done. I have literally grabbed the last bit in the pot to just keep her from getting it and launching into orbit.
  17. Boo this man! Wrong scale.
  18. Thanks for posting that Maru. I never realized it took that long to get one in the air.
  19. You saved about two hours of work fixing those kit tails, and the kits exhaust is under sized. You did good!
  20. Baxter is the supplier. Did some reading after this post. Apparently they just shut it all down for people to tend to their lives and the disaster. Sounds like the plant is okay. But you’re correct Peter. While distribution of goods across the country has made it easy to get products moved it has also created a situation where lack of competition or facilities in different areas are seen as an expense that can be cut back to increase profits. No one ever gives a second thought about the “what ifs” in life. I remember a few years back when Texas was hit with a major freeze during winter. The nations only paint pigment plant was shut down long term. You couldn’t find paint for months for new construction.
  21. Looks like a possibility of a delay to surgery. I still haven’t had my follow up appointment yet, but now due to the loss of the major supplier of saline IV used all the time with patients, hospitals all over SC are starting to limit surgeries to emergencies only. The biggest supplier in the nation was in the Western NC area. Haven’t heard yet if it was a total loss or just shut down due to infrastructure or employee issues dealing with everything.
  22. One of the issues I’m reading now is big hearted people and churches are showing up to help with supplies and they’re getting turned around and asked to leave donations with them. Makes total sense to me. I was there for Hugo. People came in droves. The biggest difference was we had the room in the low country of SC. Everything in Western NC is narrow roads, smaller areas and half or more of the roads washed out. Everyone online is acting like it’s a conspiracy theory, but they need to realize they will just be in the way of the officials. They did put up a webpage directing people to check in with the coordinators to see if they can use them or just where to deliver supplies to.
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