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Everything posted by CrankyCrafstman

  1. Hey all I was looking around on the Britmodeler site and found this post on WW2 to presnt exterior and interior paint schemes. It includes paint callouts from different hobby paint manufacturers. I looked it over and its pretty informative. For World War II, I currently have three guides ready: RAF - http://www.theworldwars.net/resources/resource.php?r=camo_rafww2 USAAF - http://www.theworldwars.net/resources/resource.php?r=camo_usaaf USN - http://www.theworldwars.net/resources/resource.php?r=camo_usn Ron G
  2. Thirded! this place is ssooooo much better than the other place. Happy and prosperous new year for all and my God bless you all. Ron G
  3. Hey Phil I recently purchased a H&S infinity plus with the .2 and .4 needles. I most say that it is absolutely amazing at doing fine lines. I only use Vallejo acrylic paint, due to health issues and it is the only one that I can get consistent lines from my old Paasches wont even come close. I recommend going with the Infinity. Ron G
  4. Hey Anthony It's about time...lol. I new I could get you to start her back up again. Don't forget to make room on your bench for that other De havilland bird. Ron G
  5. Hey Drifter I don't think there on his site yet. You need to send him a email requesting to pre order them. bsousa61@gmail.com Ron G
  6. The great thing about the galvanick process is it creates a natural patina that looks like a natural weathered exhaust. NO PAINTING! You just glue them in place (with CA) and voila! Perfect exhausts. I have sets of these for my Tamiya Corsair, Mustang and Spitfire also a few other kits in 1/32 scale. As I said check out his site and you will see what I mean. Go to the menu, look for accessories and Rexx exhausts. Ron G
  7. Hey FME erk I did not make those if you go back and read the post you will see that they were created by Rexx exhausts. They are galvanicly grown metal, very similar, if not the same process as the old Moskit ones (long out of production). If you go to H&B Hobbies website you can see many different exhausts in scales from 1/72 to 1/32 scale. These will be the first 1/24 scale ones available. I'm hoping that with a little cokesing we from us on the forums they my start a 1/24 scale line. The New F6F-5 Hellcat, the two Typhoons, cardoor and bubble top would be a start. Ron G
  8. Small update, the metal exhausts for the 1/24 Mosquito are done! And boy are they fantastic. They are from Bob at H&B HOBBIES he's the supplier for Rexx exhausts, which are galvanicly grown metal and are actually scale thickness. Here are some pictures. here you can see the two different exhausts the rear double one and the front type. You can see the small plugs that they are grown from and the tree that they are attached to. They copied the kit exhausts so these should fit pretty good. here they are shown as they would appear on the engine. Bob said they will be around $40.00 dollars. So if you have a big Mossie and want it to look fantastic go to H&B HOBBIES and start placing your orders. Ron G
  9. Hey Anthony I just got an email from Bob at H&B Hobbies. The MOSSIE EXHAUSTS ARE DONE! And they look fantastic! HBHobbies is the supplier for Rexx metal exhausts. I'm going to post pictures in the Mosquito build, check them out. Ron G
  10. Hey Anthony Better hurry on that research the kit has arrived! Let me know when you have the money and want me to ship it, and where. Ron G
  11. Hey Carl your bench is almost as bad as mine Ron G
  12. Be careful! Don't let the wife know you are getting a new beaver...lol.I'll have to figure out what its going to cost to send it down under, so I only want what it cost me plus what shipping is. Also you have to do a build thread on it. Ron G
  13. Lucky me! I just got a second chance to buy it and I did! Should be here around December 20th. Whooh how! I got it for $57.00 US dollars. Ron G
  14. WELL! I got screwed out of it at the very last second!...aaaggghhh!!!! RonG
  15. That would be cool, also I imagine that the instrument panel would be a lot simpler. Ron G
  16. It's not gone yet, I think the problem is you can't see it from were you are at. I placed a bid on it if I win I will let you know, you'll get first dibs for all the help you gave me on the Mossie. Ron G
  17. Hey Capt. It still allows you to bid, so I placed a bid, if I win I will put it up for sale on here. Ron G
  18. Hey Anthony found this on Ebay https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_nkw=1%2F24+scale+beaver+kit&_trksid=p2380057.m4084.l1313.TR1.TRC0.A0.H0.X1%26%23x2f%3B24+scale+be.TRS0 Ron G
  19. Hey Ernie put me down, I'm in. I'll dig through my stash and see what I have to donate a kit snd some squadron books. Ron G
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