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Everything posted by wemattson

  1. It looks nice. Show some more pictures please.
  2. It is not available digitally either. I tried to download the app and the message I got was "no longer available". This is a very shortsighted approach to publishing!
  3. It's nice to see that there is still a lot of interest in scale modeling. Around here, there is very little interest and no hobby shops within 45 minutes drive and even those shops don't really cater to scale modeling. Yeah, I'm jealous.
  4. Hello Martin, Thank you for the quick reply and I fully understand you position regarding this. LSM is still my favorite forum. The layout is very fresh and the members here are the nicest group out there. Cheers, Wayne
  5. I was wondering if there has been any thought given to having a single topic where modelers can post pictures of completed projects outside the scope of this forum such as cars, ships, etc. as a way of showing some of the diversity that exists amongst our talent? I also belong to modelwarships.com and they have something similar and it seems to be very popular. A little cross pollination can be good. I'm not trying to start any trouble, just a simple inquiry. Respectfully, Wayne
  6. What a great idea for a drawer paint organizer. I'm going to steal your idea and build one for myself. Thank you for sharing!
  7. Darren, That has to be without a doubt the best DV I've seen! Your attention to detail is beyond belief. Thank you for sharing. Wayne
  8. I've been getting the digital version of MIM for a year now and have been very happy with the quality of the writing and photography. Plus I travel quite a bit for work and it's nice to take "every" issue with me to read when I have some down time on the road or in the air. IMHO I think it is a very fair value.
  9. Jeff, Man, that is one beautiful build! Wayne
  10. Rick, That's a great idea about re-using the carbon spokes. I have a couple of those lying around in my shop and can't seem to throw them away knowing full well that someday I will need them for something. Wayne
  11. Rick, Looking real good! Your jug is coming together nicely. I also like how you've recycled your bottom brackets to support your models. One hobby helping another. Cheers, Wayne
  12. Paul, Beautiful job! I have this model in my stash and plan on starting it soon. Hopefully I will be able to do as nice a job as you have done. Cheers, Wayne
  13. This is the best news I've heard in quite some time. The Corsair is one of my all time favorite aircraft. I can't wait.
  14. Jeroen, You built a very impressive airship there. I remember reading about this one in the January 2012 issue of Military Illustrated Modeller. Awesome job and very inspirational. Cheers, Wayne
  15. James, Thanks for posting these pictures; they'll come in handy when I start work on my 1/32 Tamiya Spitfire. Wayne
  16. James, That is absolutely beautiful! Cheers, Wayne
  17. Jeroen, You're killing me with these beautiful models! They are very inspirational. Cheers, Wayne
  18. Jeroen, I can only come up with one word: Gorgeous! Cheers, Wayne
  19. Paul, Stunning! I'll be watching this one closely. Thank you for sharing. Wayne
  20. James, Thanks for sharing. Your timing is perfect considering the fact that I'm in the middle of building an E-3 for the group build. Cheers, Wayne
  21. Brewer, Your build is absolutely beautiful! The finish and detail you've put into this model is very inspiring. Thanks for sharing, Wayne
  22. Texgunner, Glad to see you back with your awesome models and great photography. Cheers, Wayne
  23. Pfuf, Awesome job on the spits! The close up photography is also first rate. Cheers, Wayne
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