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Everything posted by wemattson

  1. Johan, Great videos. I find these videos to be very helpful and they do a good job illustrating how the paint should be laid down. I like how you lay up the paint in thin layers. I have a tendency to put the paint on too heavy; I must learn to slow down and be more patient. Also, your videos are very relaxing to watch and the music almost puts me in a trance. Regards, Wayne
  2. Paul, Nice article. It looks like you have a great club there. Cheers, Wayne
  3. Micha, Awesome job! I think you might be the first person to post a completed HK B-17. What was overall experience like with this kit? Wayne
  4. Ralph, Excellent job! You have really become quite the prolific builder and your scratch building is top notch. Cheers, Wayne
  5. Very, very cool. Thanks for sharing.
  6. Colin, Your diorama is so cool! I also began building models seriously in 1975 with my Dad. I still have the first model we built together, a P-39, although it's quite beat up now (it flew a lot missions around my room as a kid). Good times! Cheers, Wayne
  7. Looking good so far. I always thought this was such a cool little airplane. I can't wait to see how yous comes out. Wayne
  8. Wow! Ralph, great job!
  9. Ralph, You've become a model making machine and your work is really nice. I love logging in to see what you're up to. Keep up the good work. Cheers, Wayne
  10. Bevan, I couldn't find your model in the finished models section. Please post a link. Thank you.
  11. Ralph, Looks real good! Nice way to break into armor. How do you like the Paasche Talon? I've been using one for a few years now with good, troublefree results. Regards, Wayne
  12. Like Doogs said, this is a must have. It's amazing how far injection moldig has come, that one piece wing is amazing.
  13. Beautiful shop and a real nice collection of tools. Looking forward to following your Sopwith build.
  14. Wow! Excellent job. I'm in the middle of building one of these myself and hope it comes out half as nice as yours. Cheers, Wayne
  15. Nice job! Thanks for sharing.
  16. Paul, Speaking as an American of Canadian descent, our countries are in this together and we need to watch out for each other. Our thoughts and prayers go out for Canada today. Wayne
  17. That is one of the coolest looking engine models I've seen in quite some time! The finish is stunning.
  18. Fran, It looked like you guys had a blast. Who said modelling is a solitary pursuit. Thanks for sharing. Wayne
  19. Ralph, Looking good! I love seeing these old kits come alive. Cheers, Wayne
  20. Ralph, Nice job on your vintage kit. The skyraider is one of my favorite air planes. Cheers, Wayne
  21. John, Very, very nice! I really like the scheme you went with. I can't wait to see what you'll be building on here next. Cheers, Wayne
  22. Great job Ralph! Your build has been a blast to follow and the end result was worth the trip. I can't wait to see what you come up with next. Cheers, Wayne
  23. This is the kind of modelling that separates the best from the rest. Superb!
  24. Excellent job! It's good to see you back here with such a fine piece of work.
  25. Ralph, There is no cure, only hope that we'll have time to at least attempt to build as many as possible. Happy Building, Wayne
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