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Everything posted by wemattson

  1. Ralph, Be careful, you're on a very slippery slope! This is how a stash can easily get out of hand. It's like momentum, once it gets rolling it is very hard to stop and before you know it you're buried in dozens of kits and the feeling of guilt will start to wash over you as you can't help yourself from buying more. Pretty soon it will become "Hi, my name is _______ and I'm a modelholic". Then again, it could just be me. Have fun, there are worse things to spend money on. Cheers, Wayne
  2. Pascal, I'm speechless! Your work is absolutely gorgeous! You have the skills of a swiss watchmaker. I'm looking forward to seeing more. Cheers, Wayne
  3. Wow! some really cool pics. Thanks for sharing.
  4. John, It's looking real good! I noticed that your location indicates Southeastern Massachusetts; you and I must be in the same neck of the woods. Cheers, Wayne
  5. John, Very nice. I always wanted to build one of these but could never seem to find a nice kit. Cheers, Wayne
  6. John, I really like the worn look you've added to the cockpit. The mud reals adds a nice level of realism. Regards, Wayne
  7. John, Nice job! I'll be watching your build closely. Cheers, Wayne
  8. I think large scale ships would be a great addition to this site.
  9. Lawman, Beautiful rifle. I can see why it's your pride and joy. It must feel great to shoot something that your grandfather used in such an important moment in history. Thanks for sharing the photo and story. Cheers, Wayne
  10. Tom, Phenomenal! I think this is the first one I've seen completed on this forum. Very well done and I think the degree of weathering you did is spot on. Cheers, Wayne
  11. "Moonlight Serenade" gets my vote. That IP is very ingenious.
  12. Silver Dollar, Awesome start! I''ll be following this one closely; I love B-17's. Very nice jackets as well. Cheers, Wayne
  13. Awesome! Now that is a model that you don't see too often. Your foil work is top notch and the display method is really creative. Thank you for sharing.
  14. Doug, Nice panther. I've never built any armor but your build makes me want to try. Thanks, Wayne
  15. Tom, Great philosophy! Model building skills apply to many facets of our lives. Building models helps develop problem solving skills and contributes to understanding three dimensional construction. Keep up the good work. Cheers, Wayne
  16. Tom, This is the coolest build I have seen in quite some time! Your students are very lucky to have a teacher as talented as you are. I look forward to you updates. Cheers, Wayne
  17. Rick, Beautiful job! That is a great scheme and the weathering job you did really makes it. Cheers, Wayne
  18. Looks good! You got more done in 4 games than I can get done in a season!
  19. Very nice! It looks like you've made good progress. Keep up the nice work. Cheers, Wayne
  20. Excellent! Nice collection of work to show for your effort in 2013. Looking forward to what you produce in 2014.
  21. Erik, Thanks for posting these shots. They're the best ones I've seen to date for this kit. Wayne
  22. Bertl, Another outstanding post! Thank you, Wayne
  23. Matt, Very cool. Thanks for sharing. Wayne
  24. Johan, Looking real good. I have this on my short list of "must build". Cheers, Wayne
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