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Everything posted by BlrwestSiR

  1. Time for an update. I got the landing gear legs painted for one of the kits. There were some seam lines and a couple ejector pin marks that I had missed so cleaned those up. Then I'll do a touch-up respray. The nose gear door arm has to be glued in prior to attaching the wings. No way to get it in afterwards. On the G, I noticed the forward section of the fuselage just forward of the intakes flexed in a little and was creating a mismatch to the lower wing. If course this was after I glued it in place. I was able to fix it with some careful prodding fortunately. To not have to repeat that on the RF, I used a spreader bar at the location required. This time the fit was perfect. Now to let them dry.
  2. Just catching up on your Spitfire Chris. The panel wash has really made the details pop. Reminds me more of the Tamiya 1/32 kit than the Eduard 1/48 one detailwise. For the oil leaks, I did them on my Spitfire by putting a drop of very thinned paint by the cowl panel line and then immediately spraying with an empty airbrush in the direction of airflow. I suppose you try this with a panel wash as well. Might make cleanup easier if it doesn't work.
  3. And they were yummy: Now to go check my cholesterol.
  4. Either Grey Matter or MDC made some. I have a set somewhere I'll try to find and confirm which brand. May be easier to steal some from a P-51 or F4U-1D kit.
  5. Angus short ribs. Went in the slow cooker this morning at 930. Should be ready in an hour.
  6. Landing gear, er beaching gear is on. And now with tires.
  7. Don't bin it!!! It would be an absolute shame to do so. I know with the Beat I was tempted after all the problems I had with dust but that's a $20 model, not a masterpiece like your Cobra. Try some very fine sanding sponges. I have some that start at 1000 grit and go up to 12000. Wet sand the spots and go gently.
  8. Great looking Spitfire. Lovely paint and weathering job. It makes me want to start on the one in my stash.
  9. I finally got some time at the bench I painted the floats. I attached the float rudder but have knocked it off twice since doing so. I'm going to wait until closer to the end to put it back on. With the floats painted, I CA'ed them in place. I was going to use epoxy but all 3 tubes I had the hardener had, hardened. Hopefully the CA is strong enough. I really should get a stand. Of course right after I say that I look over and see this on my wall. The radar pod has been painted as well.
  10. Phil, I hope I haven't stopped your build. Not having seen the IBG kit in person I can't say for sure that it's incorrect. Even if it's off, is it enough that folks will notice?
  11. Stunningly brilliant. Here I am thinking I'm doing great getting my gunsight on straight and then I check in here.
  12. I had a couple RC helis but never learned to fly. Tried a couple times but didn't have the time to devote to learning to fly. I stuck with RC cars and monster trucks. Kept my flying to low level stuff off of jumps. Highest I got was about 15 ft off a BMX jump. Stuck the landing which was the best part.
  13. A nice subject Phil. I have the Thunder Models tanks transporter version in the stash. If I recall correctly, the IBG kit has an error with the windshield. The frame isn't rectangular as it should be. They may have corrected it though. Carl
  14. Looks awesome. Like the real thing. I've been watching different videos on YouTube of folks building the Factory Five 65 coupe replica and it would be hard to tell yours apart from the 1/1 kits.
  15. That looks great there Scott.
  16. Looks good there Scott. Nice progress.
  17. Yeah, those fenders are crazy thin.
  18. Hubert, just curious which Tamiya scriber you have? I use a Trumpeter one that looks like a hook, a really old Tritool one that's a pointy looking thing and razor saws.
  19. Looks fantastic Rob. Great finish on the gloss coat. Hope the chip from the cat isn't too hard to fix.
  20. Martin, it's really old Mr Color. Probably 20 years old. They've changed the bottle I think three times since I bought the paint.
  21. Thanks Rob. It's definitely easier than yours. Just 1 part so there shouldn't be any alignment worries.
  22. I finally got a chance to do some masking. Then it was time for paint. Unmasked. A couple touchups are needed.
  23. Back to the Beat(s), I masked and sprayed the windshield frames.
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