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Everything posted by BlrwestSiR

  1. Lots of caffeine it seems. I have the same trouble with yellow and sometimes red.
  2. Thankfully all the caffeine didn't give you the jitters while you sprayed the P-40. The yellow looks good by the way, nice and solid.
  3. Is that in a "why make an easy solution when we can come up with one that will give future modelers fits"
  4. Paul, they're a nice kit that's for sure. Some things to watch out for when you get around to building one. - The wing ailerons mount with PE and metal rods. They can be floppy and not hold their position without a dab of glue. - The wing leading edge inserts for the cannon barrels isn't the best fit. I usually make the upper side flush and then fix the imperfections on the lower side which is less visible. - The engine bearers are ABS plastic so use Tamiya Extra Thin to glue them on. Even if you don't plan to have the cowlings off, they're needed for the exhausts. Speaking of the cowl panels, they can be tricky to align neatly but it can be done. I think I'm up to 9 built with another 6 in the stash so I guess that means I like them. As for the Egg Plane girls, I don't have any issue with them. I think they're fun and if they sell well enough to help keep Hasegawa in business so much the better.
  5. Nice assortment there Paul. Is the flamethrower part of the Little Armoury series? I remember when the Tamiya Spitfires were around the $100 CAD mark. I picked up most of mine for under that but now, they're generally $40-50 more.
  6. And worth every Loonie. Sorry, pennies aren't legal tender in Canada any more.
  7. Saw this cockpit upgrade set for the ICM CH-54 and decided to get one. It's absolutely stunning. It basically replaces the entirety of the kit cockpit.
  8. That sounds like Vancouver. Being in a rowhouse, we have 16' of sidewalk and the path up to our house to shovel, so maybe another 10' there. The city finally added sidewalk plowing to our neighbourhood after doing other ones in the city so that technically leaves even less for us. Plus we can get the boys to do it. It's definitely real. One of Sue's friend's husband had one shoveling. Thankfully he knew something wasn't right and got treated in time. Which has made Sue paranoid to let me do any shovelling after my triple bypass 5 years ago. Stay safe everyone!
  9. Great to see you're still working on this Mike. No snow here in the Great White North but the temps have dropped.
  10. Chris, that should make a great project. The Italeri 104 gets a bad rap but It's not as bad as some folks say. I've done two so far, one in NMF. It looks like you've got the weak spots covered too. Carl
  11. That's a bit annoying there Scott. More so with the paint reaction too. I've never of clear lacquer reacting to decal solutions and I've even used Tamiya X-20A as one without paint issues. Let us know if you figure out more.
  12. You got yours already?
  13. Seeing your progress on the Cobra is like watching car restorers working on a real one. Testing the fit of the body panels, making adjustments and repeat until perfect.
  14. I didn't notice the missing pedals. Thanks for pointing that out. That is a bit odd.
  15. Phil, congratulations on retirement and glad to see you back. The Bedford boxart looks like it might be inspired by your plans.
  16. I debated getting this kit but the price was too good to pass up. Thankfully I found out the kit has marketing for a Canadian one.
  17. What a bunch of jokers your removers sound like. Glad you held firm and got through it. Enjoy your new home and bring able to share it with Jane!
  18. Decals are now on. They're nicely thin but a bit brittle. I had a couple tear but not too badly. They are a bit translucent though. You can tell with the roundels over the stripes.
  19. Air brakes are on, as are the wingtip lights and all the little probes and protuberances. For the air brakes, I lost one of the rods so I replaced both with styrene. Now to let those dry a bit and then decals.
  20. Almost certainly the last kits for this year. A couple more Gundam kits. Not sure why the sudden urge to get them. First up, is my second favourite Gundam design. This one has been tweaked by Hajime Katoki who is a Japanese mecha designer. Another one from the Ver.Ka series of kits. This one I got to go with the earlier Psycho Zaku i picked up. I figured if I'm going to have a Zaku in Beast mode, I might as well have a Gundam in the same. These boxes are fairly big. They're similar to a Tamiya Spitfire box but much deeper. And they're absolutely packed with sprues. And yet, they come with stickers instead of decals. Although the Unicorn Gundam has dry transfers in the box for some of the markings.
  21. Jimmy would probably like one for all the squirrels in our neighbourhood.
  22. Rog, that's some great news there. I know what that level of panic can feel like when you're suddenly without work and have all sorts of commitments. It was lucky that it worked out for me (twice!) and it looks to be the same for you. Hope the last couple stumbling blocks aren't that big. Carl
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