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Everything posted by BlrwestSiR

  1. I know jets aren't you're thing but does that mean you'll do the matching F-14 with the pilot keeping up international relations? If we can even see the pilot being so short and all...
  2. I went by the LHS and they had the new AK Real Colours aircraft line in stock so I picked up a couple for my Spitfire. Hopefully they'll spray as nicely as their armour colours do. These also made their way into my bag
  3. Really looks good there Ernie. Especially in the black. I came so close to pulling the trigger on one last night. But I decided I'd best make some room on the bench first. And the stash in case the bench clearing fails. Carl
  4. Looks good so far. For the nose weight, what about the space behind the nose gear bay and forward of the bomb bay? Is that space visible from either side of it? Carl
  5. Looking at the entrant's list (the pic of everyone's name on a square of paper) and the winner's list, I don't see Drifter on there. Carl
  6. Onto Betty's Dream now. The light hurdle here was that I wasn't able to install both ammo belts for the tail gunner before closing up the fuselage. So the second one had to be done first. It was only three pieces but trying to align them all at the same time wasn't going to be fun. After much finagling and a bit of frustration, everything got to where it needed to be. Probably never to be seen again...
  7. Thanks! It's definitely been a bit of a challenge at times.
  8. Nice looking assembly line. I haven't tried the Masterclub tracks yet as I haven't found them for a reasonable price. AFV Club do some nice tracks in plastic as does Bronco. They might need a bit more work in assembly but aren't as insane as Modelkasten ones. Carl
  9. Looking good there Harv! Lots of room to move around too.
  10. An awesome looking build so far. Carl
  11. Looking good there Harv. I like all the windows you have. Carl
  12. Ok, with a couple of my distraction builds out of the way I'm back to the main event. I've assembled the two tail control surfaces. With those done, I started the installation. Here's French Kiss: I also installed the gunner's canopy as this will seal it off in readiness for paint. Paint masks were applied as well. Now onto Betty's Dream.
  13. My set only came with the movie markings. I don't know if another release is planned with Spanish markings and the undressing rockets they carried.
  14. The best kind of conversion set.
  15. Fantastic build Tom. A very nice tribute too. Carl
  16. Nice assortment of builds there Gaz! Carl
  17. Like this one?
  18. My dog is for size comparisons only. She didn't actually come with the Lanc
  19. Yikes! Stay safe and hope there's no flying cows. Carl
  20. Ernie, as per our conversation I'll take the Hansa Brandenburg W.12 I'm looking forward to it and thanks again. Carl
  21. Ernie, that would be something I'd do so I can relate. Carl
  22. Hubert, if you'd like a book on the Panther tank let me know and I'll send it your way. Carl
  23. I managed to only finish one 1/32 kit this year and that was my Revell Spitfire Vb conversion The rest of my completions are as follows: Tamiya Caterham 7 Tasca Sherman Firefly Vc And his little brother, the Meng one Next, the Tiger Models AMX-10 RCR Lastly, the Cyberhobby Tiger 1 Fehrmann I should have the HK B-25s done for 2019 though which will be a big accomplishment. Carl
  24. Congratulations to all the winners! Bill, have fun with the Lanc. Mine one arrived just before Christmas and it's a stunning kit. Carl
  25. I just received the new Hispanic HA-1112 conversion set from Attitude Aviation AS. It's designed for use with the Hasegawa BF109 G6 kit. Here's a quick look at the contents. Overall, it looks pretty good to me. The castings are nice and clean, there's no airbubbles. Some of the resin parts even have locating pins. Now to track down a Hasegawa G6 as a base kit. Carl
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