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Everything posted by BlrwestSiR

  1. Not for me, I just paid for it: It's the birthday present for our youngest son when he turns 6 in April. https://spawncycles.com/raiju-20 Not the cheapest option but he loves riding so much and he's been on hand me down bikes from his brother I thought he deserved one that wasn't just new to him. I think his mind will explode when he sees this. Carl
  2. Disenchantment is great fun to watch. I approve!
  3. Thanks Ernie! I'll keep an eye out for it. Carl
  4. I saw that at a drive in here in Toronto when it came out. It was so cold we had to keep the car running. The problem there was the daytime running lights couldn't be turned off so we ended up using those cardboard tray/box thingys that you get concession foods in to cover the headlights . As for my Christmas movie list: - The Ref - Die Hard - Die Hard 2 - Lethal Weapon Carl
  5. Martin, you need to get this for bedtime reading: Sadly, my wife won't let me read it to the boys for their bedtime book. Carl
  6. I guess I just have a mild case of it as I only have two of them. One for a C6 conversion and the other for a P1, both conversion sets made by AIMS. Carl
  7. Nice paint job as always John. The second try at the top coat is definitely better. Carl
  8. A nice start there Harv. We went through this last summer. When our kitchen was gutted, they found some dodgy wiring, the bay window was rotten (we were getting rid of it thankfully) and a couple other thinngs my wife has blocked from her memory. We spent the summer climbing out our dining room window to get to the backyard. The boys loved it...us, not so much. Carl
  9. The cockpit looks great. Nice job on the belts too. Carl
  10. That's really coming along nicely Peter. Carl
  11. She came in a box, at least for the plane ride. She's been really great so far. Might be tough to give her back in a couple months.
  12. Ernie, I have these for drawings: They're in 1/72 though Carl
  13. That is indeed a very nice looking cockpit. Carl
  14. Proving that some mail is still getting through, this just arrived: A quick look inside the box and it looks pretty nice. Not really an addition to the stash but more a temporary loan is this pretty girl named Maggie: She belongs to my sister who's moving from Santiago to Wisconsin next month. Due to the holiday season, the airline won't fly dogs as cargo in December and January. So I got to fly down and bring her to our place. Our dog is taking to her fairly well I'd say: Carl
  15. You know you're the reason there's a Kitty Hawk Kingfisher in my stash right? I watched your first build and suddenly had the urge to add a float plane to my collection. Carl
  16. Yup. He's the actor in the pic Martin posted. His characters seen to die a lot in them too.
  17. There isn't much specific to the two seater but plenty of info on general details so let me know if you get stuck. I'm back up to two kits in the stash. I sold one to a really nice guy, then they announced the two seater and had to pick up a replacement. So now I can build a single seater and a two seater. The plan is to have one with the wings off to save a bit of space and at the same time show off some of the internal detail. Carl
  18. Hey Harv, if you need any reference material, just ask. I've got a couple books on the Ho229 including the ZM concept notes. Carl
  19. Looking good there John. I go away fora couple days and you're almost done! Carl
  20. Great choice for additional help there Harv! Looking forward to following along. Carl
  21. Got this on eBay for 25 loonies! And no, not 25 LSM members Carl
  22. Very hard to say no at that price. Carl
  23. Oh ok. I was wondering if you had a secret passage into their factory.
  24. Raptor doesn't swing!
  25. The kit's out?!! Where did you get it from Martin? Carl
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