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Everything posted by BlrwestSiR

  1. Especially if you paint it black and white. Or go super easy and get one of the Meng World War Toons tank kits. No worries then about shapes or panel lines.
  2. It wasn't the RyeField Panther was it? I'm still trying to wrap my head around the near 2000 part count. Carl
  3. Nice! Mudflaps? Going to take her rallying? That would be cool. Carl
  4. Thanks Nigel! I'm using Mr Color Leveling Thinner with the AK paints. I have a couple bottles of it so I figured I'd use that. Good to know the AK thinner is hotter in case I do try it out. Thanks Harv!
  5. Thanks Rob! Here you go: From the other side: I think it's good for a first try. I did add a drop of black to the RLM02 to darken it slightly and give me a bit of contrast to the upper camo colour.
  6. Thanks gents! I started on the upper side camo with RLM 70 over the RLM02. Next I did the fuselage sides in RLM 65. Then I started on some of the squiggles. I need to add some squiggles in RLM 02 next.
  7. My favourite Firefly, the 1C hybrid version.
  8. Great project Cees! Will be fun to follow along. If you need any spare intake trunking, I may have some around leftover from my several F-4 builds. I may even have a spare Jfuselage somewhere. Carl
  9. Oh, I'd install that on the Beat in a um, heartbeat but I think I'd be filling up at every gas station I passed since my Beat only has a 15 litre gas tank. Carl
  10. Thanks Gaz! Your philosophy pretty much sums up my approach to paint colours. In fact, this is only the second time I've done any real comparison of what I've painted a model with regards to the colour. Carl
  11. Really great work Nigel! This will be invaluable when the time comes to starting mine in the stash. For the wings, I recall having to do something similar on their Mosquito which also has a one piece wing. Carl
  12. I've spent the last couple nights at the bench masking off the canopy bits. I'm using the Eduard pre-cut set which has saved a bunch of time but there's a couple mistakes in their design. On the windshield, there's a brace on the upper section that's on the inside. Eduard designed their mask to leave this free for paint on the outside. Which means you have to filling the outside gap and then mask the inside on your own. Fortunately it's a straight brace with no bends so easy enough to do. Never having been a stickler for complete colour accuracy (probably due to a touch of colour blindness) I don't have a lot of reference material on colours. One of the few I have does have colour chips in it though. After painting a couple parts I compared them to the colour chips inside. To me, they seem a good match. This is a section from the canopy painted in RLM02 The lower wings previously done in RLM65 It's definitely not scientific but I'm happy with the results. Carl
  13. I know, it's almost a tease. But the tiger stripes might be a bit more than I could manage without a proper template.
  14. That's the one! It sure is purdy. Even the ROCAF one would be fine. No big tail art but I know my dad would love it. Carl
  15. I don't know Ernie, I mean you have enough room on your bench for a box top. I don't think I've ever had a kit box on my bench. Carl
  16. Hornet closed last month. Wheels and Wings is taking on some of their inventory and shelving I believe. Email Michael there Jeff. He'll give you an estimate on the shipping costs so at least you have an idea how much you'd have to sell the house for. I've done that for the couple bits I've bought. Carl
  17. I like the tiger striped one. Im hoping that someone comes out with a set for the RSAF F-5F. Then ill get one of those too.
  18. These are the ones I use Ernie: https://www.migjimenez.com/en/accessories/523-tamiyamr-color-ammo-storage-system.html They're actually made by HobbyZone. For my tools and brushes, I have a couple HobbyZone freestanding orgsnizers. Carl
  19. Ivan, I think a few of those are available as paint masks: http://www.advmodprds.com/f532.html
  20. I'm glad you're not asking me since being colourblind, I wouldn't be much use to ya. Having fun is the important part.
  21. Why Bill? It looks perfectly serviceable to me. Almost neat in fact. This is mine from a couple months ago. Carl
  22. I forgot, didn't the RCAF use one as a trainer for the F-104 and they stuck that Pinocchio nose on it? Or was the Germans?
  23. So, what's your gameplan with the C-47 Ernie? Are you going to do a WWII era bird or a postwar civil version? Did Buffalo Airways ever fly them? Or with a bit more AM, do a Spooky AC-47? All those miniguns... Carl
  24. On my bench only? Or does scattered all around it count as well? If the former, then I have the following: - Dragon 1/32 Bf110 - Tamiya 1/32 Spitfire IX - HK B-25 x2 Scattered around the bench and being picked at and worked on randomly are: - Takom Leopard 1 C2 - Bronco M24 Chafee - Italeri LCM - Tamiya 1/12 MP4/6 - Tamiya 1/32 F-16C - Hasegawa 1/32 FW-190 A8 - Aoshima Toyota Celica WRC Plus there's the kits my two sons are dragging onto my bench to work on. So to sum up, my work bench is a bit... cluttered Carl
  25. Ryan, Gunze sprays very similarly to Tamiya. This is especially true if you're using their lacquer thinner for airbrushing. The big difference is the light satin finish Gunze has compared to Tamiya which usually has a dead flat finish. Carl
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