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Everything posted by BlrwestSiR

  1. Keep at it Tony. I'm starting work on the tailplanes myself. Or rather I will be over I'm back from visiting my sister in Chile. Carl
  2. Fantastic work Peter. What size drill bit did you use for wiring the engine? Carl
  3. Nice project Danny! I've got the pretty much the same bunch of AM for mine. Carl
  4. I'd be up for a set or two. Carl
  5. Saw that and have been resisting the urge to buy it. Carl
  6. For a real speed build, I'll switch subjects and scale and build a Bandai Start Wars kit. This took about 45 minutes. No glue or paint. Just a pair of sprue cutters and a file. Even the cat approved of it. Although she did try to eat it later. Carl
  7. My current record and it wasn't something I was trying for but just happened is 13 days from start to finish. This was on the recent Revell Spitfire II kit. I worked on it in between the two B-25s. It was something to keep my interest at the bench up knowing it wouldn't be as involved as the pair of twins. That, more than anything was the goal. And to build a Spitfire that wasn't from Tamiya. I didn't try to fix too many of the kit's faults so that helped. I've got another in the stash I'll throw everything at later. Otherwise, I did what some of you suggested, used CA for filler, painted it with fast drying paints and by using masks, skip much of the decalling and requisite clear coats. Carl
  8. Yup, I have one pair right side up and other, not so much. Carl
  9. I made up the lap belts and installed them on the seat. I forgot to take the picture earlier. With the cockpit finally done, I closed up the fuselage. I had to use a tiny bit of filler, mostly in front of the cockpit. Then I joined up the fuselage and wing assemblies. It's starting to look like a Spitfire now. Carl
  10. Too many? But hopefully I'll be getting a couple done soon.
  11. Thanks Maru! I really do find the Tamiya Spitfires to be a stress-free build, especially after having done so many. Thanks Gus! I find they have the best layout for the buckles on their frets as well as instructions. You can actually see how everything should go together. The cowls are a hit or miss affair. I've had most go on without any issues but there's been a couple where they've been fussy.
  12. LOL! Well if they drank enough beer, there might have been jiggly floppy stuff happening.
  13. Can't believe that's the primer. She looks like she just landed from the battle. Carl
  14. Very nice build John and as always, up to your usual high standard. Carl
  15. The instrument decals look great. They seem to conform really well over the various bumps and dials. Don't forget, Canada is Metric too. We even have a band with that name. Carl
  16. I'm still working on the other Firefly. I've swapped in Tasca drive sprockets and idlers with bogies and tracks from AFV Club. Next to big brother
  17. Thanks gents! I figure since the Sherman is going on a landing craft, it wouldn't be too dirty. I have given it a light dusting though.
  18. One more build of yours to follow along with John! Carl
  19. Ok, I bit the bullet and started painting the crew figures. Definitely my weakest skill so be kind. In his cupola: Now to do the gunner and driver.I Inthe meantime, I donated adding the on vehicle tools.
  20. They're all different coloured sprues? It's not too bad honestly. Sometimes I do the odd head scratching though.
  21. I hope you do end up offering them. I'd be happy to wait until then. There's plenty of other stuff I can work on in the meantime. Carl
  22. Sorry to hear about the knee Ernie. Hopefully your wife doesn't threaten to trade you in for a newer model like mine does every time I injure/sprain something. As for the decal issue, maybe see if someone here isn't using that option and get their copy of the correct one. Then just cut out the star and place over top? Carl
  23. There's at least one two holer in the film if that's enough of an excuse Edit: whoops, must have not updated the page before posting as it's already there. Carry on, nothing to see here...
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