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Everything posted by NigelR32

  1. So sorry to hear this. Have dealt with them only once..Ii hope the damage is minimal and they get back on their feet asap.. what a start to the new year!!
  2. Beautiful, just like every WNW kit. No EPM's, sprue connector points in invisible spots where possible, no need for AM, beautifully engineered and beautifully packed and presented. Some other manufacturers have so much to learn....
  3. +1 Peter. Always the same.. for years and years.. always the same. Keep em comin.. to coin a phrase..
  4. Please post a pic of this beauty with one of your Corsairs John. That will be a pic to take a good long look at...
  5. Thanks Cees. So, can you please confirm for me, and many others I’m sure, the whole fuselage internals are green other than the bomb Aimers area? The SAM book I have even shows the nose area as green??
  6. Your prayers have been answered Smitty. The Love is being spread all over it right now!!
  7. Dya know i thought exactly the same thing. The 1/32 B-17 is the same.
  8. You'll be pleased to know that a certain individual who has just released a beautiful Lancaster IP is working right now with my kit parts to make a much improved cockpit. I've seen initial models of the IP and it looks stunning!! The kit part is so flat and featureless. Please tell us what is wrong with the cockpit rear bulkhead, part M2 before he goes any further.
  9. Hi Cees.. I'm struggling to find any images of the under seat area, but I'm sure the kit is simplified, as one would expect on a production kit. After all, this area is practically invisible on the finished model.
  10. Nice work James, I have a question for you.. shouldn't the fuselage skin in the cockpit area be painted black? This is something that is really confusing me in my research and it would appear that all photo's I have show the fuse internals to be black back to the radio compartment? You appear to have not fitted part P43, the elevator trim control wheel?
  11. It's time for me to stop whinging about whats missing on the HK kit and start to add what's missing instead. The missing pockets down the side of the raised Skippers floor has always bugged me. So I made some. They are basically made of 10 thou plastic card, sanded square and, in this pic, held on with Blu tack. Next will be the trim "wheels" sitting in front of and above the trim whel next to the Skippers seat. I'm currently searching for images of what should be under the raised area. In the kit is a solid wall visible at the rear of the bomb aimers area. This surely isn't correct? I'm looking for images taken from the bomb aimers area looking back. I am also wondering what this kit is.. The box says Mk1, but I'm becoming more cpnvinced this kit ios a Mk.X
  12. I meant, the actual location on this site James. Sorry if I was misunderstood.
  13. Thanks guys, it wasn't so much the post from the individual that you are all referring to, which agreed should have been removed, it was more about the way people responded to the thread started by Pfuf, linking my three HK Lanc reviews. All the initial replies were all about how much they hated video reviews and what a pain it was to sit through them. I posted a general reply.. "Who cares"?? If it's not for you, don't watch it!! If someone posts a build log of a beautiful Wellington Bomber, do people reply, "I much prefer a Lanc to a Wellington"? No they don't?? There will be a video review of the Master Barrels set up soon so I'll link it here.. If you want me to put it somewhere else James, I will. I intend to do a series on the HK Lanc upgrades, some of which will be my own creations I think??
  14. Hi everyone, I have done a small "in the box" video review of the lovely Airscale Instrument panel upgrade set for the HK Models Lancaster.. here.. Someone on LSP recently linked one of my reviews and the replies came thick and fast, to the tune of "I don't like video reviews", "I'd rather see photo's and read words than watch a video" and I was even accused of mispronouncing a word in English rather than American and got called a Model Nerd!! Lovely bunch eh?? If you dont like video reviews, please dont tell the world on my thread..
  15. I'll let you know when mine arrive. According to Royal Mail tracking they have been despatched so the company are telling the truth regarding stock levels. I've bought a few things off these guys, they are superb!!
  16. Oh, sorry James. It was posted on LSP last night so I thouight it was a recent discovery?
  17. I ordered mine here. Plastmodel are a great supplier. Their prices are great, their delivery is quick and their packaging is awesome. https://plastmodel.pl/p/648/37951/master-am-32-113-avro-lancaster-zestaw-karabinow-maszynowych-browning-303cal-8szt-do-hk-models-1-32-.html
  18. As spotted by someone on Britmodeller, the main gear has the safety supports fitted during major maintemance moulded in. I'm sure these can simply be removed along with any associated bracketry. https://www.facebook.com/groups/LancAssemblyLine/permalink/1792148920894059/ I also read that the Tamiya kit has an issue with bomb bay depth, making the cookie too small. I measured mine tonight and can report the length and O/D of the cookie are just over 1mm each too small.. nothing at all to worry about.
  19. Thanks Cees. Hopefully Eduard will do the bomb bay too? If not I think I'll be going Dambusters on this one.
  20. Agree 100% I mentioned this to Accurate Armour at Telford back in 2013. They thought it was a great idea..................................................................................
  21. This is a great review Jeroen, thoroughly enjoying it. I'm sure you've seen my video review on You Tube where I have a good old moan about EPM's in the Bomb bay and on the doors.. however, I've just noticed something else.. looking at your pictures, The bomb bay doors don't have the inner surface shape depicted as the original at all. Even the 1/72 kits out there are closer AFAIK?? Was the Bomb bay on this kit "rushed through production" do you think?? A further omission is the map holders in the cockpit. They should be on the side wall "under" the pilots seat.
  22. I've got three 88's, two 219 and two 111's.. those Revell kits are so darn cheap!! I also have loads of Resin and PE AM for more 88's than I have kits for. Sad isn't it!!
  23. Hi everyone.. I have been away from this forum for nearly four years!!! Doesn't time fly?? I have some Lancaster questions which I hope can be answered by some knowledgable folk on here. ... if this is the wrong place to put this, please feel free to move it. I have reference books and mags, but thought it would be easier to get the knowledge from someone in the know. Books can be wrong, especially their drawings. 1. What are the differences between the Mk1 and Mk111? Which bomb aimers blister should be used for either version, holed or plain? 2. Were the grab railings inside the cockpit actually painted yellow, or is this only applicable on post war aircraft. 3. Should the interior in front of and including the cockpit be black or green? Every Lanc I've seen is black, but my SAM book shows these areas in green? 4. I am of the opinion that the oil coolers on the kit are the wrong shape and should be rectangular. Am I correct? The kit parts depict a MkX aircraft like the memorial Lanc? Thanks in anticipation of many replies..... If you would like to see an in-box review of this kit on YouTube take a look at my channel, "Nigel's Modelling Bench" I have also done a review of the HB 1/32 B-24.
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