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The Great LSM Twins Group Build ends Aug 31, 2024 ×

1:32 Bf-109 G-6/R-6 (using Revell's kit and Eduard's gun pods)

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This is my first 1:32 scale aircraft ever! All the impressive builds I've seen over the years have inspired me to try this scale and I've picked up Revell's Bf-109 G-6 kit to try it as it is very affordable and of decent quality.

I'll try to post regularly, but spare time for our beloved hobby is not always available. I leave you with a couple of photos of some sub-assemblies, with the fuselage halves dry-fitted and the cockpit main components.





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Before starting the camouflage application, I still need to work on a few detail. Today I've managed to add the hydraulic lines on the landing gear (just 0.4mm copper wire and aluminum tape).



I hope to start painting it soon (I still need to redo a few panel lines and add some cabling in the gear well).


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Spare time for the hobby is not abundant but once in a while I manage to sit at the workbench and relax a bit!

Basic camo colours are almost complete (still need to clean up some overspray and repair a few issues) and I hope to start mottling painting soon.





I hope to share some more progress soon!




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  • 3 months later...

Here are a few photos of my Bf109 G-6/R-6, a bit closer to completion!

Decals are applied, but some still show a bit of silvering that will be addressed asap.





There are also several details to be painted, before adding some weathering.

I hope to post more soon.




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