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The Great LSM Twins Group Build ends Aug 31, 2024 ×

Roll call for Telford!!


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So, with only a few months to go it's time for a roll call!

Who's coming? And when? Do we meet up? And where?


A large dutch delegation is coming by boat/car:




Jeroen (me)


But also some islanders like:







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Guys, how about we meet up at the 32nd SIG at around 4 p.m. Saturday afternoon?


Lots of time for everybody to have had a look around / burn your credit card. The Overseas IPMS guys have had their fill of the International (liquid) Lunch and those of us who are jurors have had the time to fulfill their jury duty too!

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Is 4pm SIG32 the plan set?
I'm driving up (weather too crappy to fly) tomorrow and will stay Midlands with mum tomorrow night,
Will be at the show from 10am ish to try to find a few bargains I guess but happy to hang around for a 4pm get together :)


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