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Coming! Schatton "Würzburg-Riese" Radar


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Heads up guys!


Schatton Modellbau has just informed LSM of their imminent release of this beast of a model. A huge amount of photo-etch makes up the dish. Just imagine the diorama possibilities with this subject.


Here's a look at the box-art:




And here's a look at the photo-etch:




I know of one surviving example in the Liberty museum in the Netherlands (Overloon) which is undergoing restoration at the moment:




Stay 'tuned' :) for more info!



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As I told Jeroen yesterday evening our museum used to have a similar dish for years albeit dismantled. It came from Eindhoven university and was used for studying the stars. The Germans were lightyears ahead of their time.


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As I told Jeroen yesterday evening our museum used to have a similar dish for years albeit dismantled. It came from Eindhoven university and was used for studying the stars. The Germans were lightyears ahead of their time.



This is true.

You told me this.




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Wow I really would like to do one of these! I live near the area that was selected to be the headquarter of the Luftwaffe in Denmark.

And only a mile away from where I live, was the "Adler" Radar Station with two Würzburg Riese Radars.




In the forrest around Skanderborg, the command and communication bunkers, barracks and administration buildings were built. The headquarters was constantly expanded and functioned until the liberation of Denmark in May 1945. The German radar installations and warning systems were all modern. After the liberation the plant was carefully studied by the British. Until December 1945, German technicians helped the British study the equipment.



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All that PE looks like a nightmare - very intimidating.

I suppose if you screw it up you could always use it for draining pasta!

Looks beyond my PE skills anyway.





Infortunaly...it is not PE.....plywood or balsa cut with laser technic....where is my white glue?....


In one hand, it's a very good new...in an other hand....it's not what we can expect with the new technics like 3d printing etc....



The main mounting of the antenna are like the second picture ....relieved with one million of regular holes. This outriggers are very hard to reproduce, i know...i ve tried two time in plastic (just before to go to the local psychiatric hotel) ;-). And you are very quickly polluate by the

different crossing, the different calculation in angle to duplicate etc...the final dishe is made from 4 parts...who have to be strictely the same....


The cabin and the arms are easy to scrachbuilt....only the need of a good documentation, and a visit in Belgium or in NL...


In a fit of pique....i ve started a FumG 401 Freya...sh....10 years ago already, based on the (DIRTY and false) kora model....and have a lot of pleasure with the little DES kit FumG 35 on a wagon trailer...


Then...wait and see....but with the high control of Schatton with metal material...it's not the best choise he could have made...in my opinion.


Sorry for my skill level in english....



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You re welcome Gus....please follow the link and near the end of the gallerie,

you will find more pic....http://www.ipmsdeutschland.de/Ausstellungen/Nuernberg2016/Bilder_VH/Schatton_06.htm


Robert Scatton mail adress is on his webpage:





I would be also curious about the prise of this baby.....if somebody knows...



Amities from France




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Thanks for clearing that up Fab. How thick is the timber sheet? Surprised it has the strength to maintain the structural integrity in such a complex design.

Not my thing, but looks very impressive.


If i remember well, the different timbers are about 1 to 1.3mn large in 1.35 scale....x by the number of holes x nb of riggers........


I will post somes differents pics....if my wife and my 2 brownies'flew let me 5mn of peace....



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