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Playing in the Sandbox Group Build Sept 1, 2024 - Jn 1, 2025

Starfighter Volker Air Base

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Time for something new. When Italeri came with the 1/32nd scale I just had to have it. I got the decalset from Dutch Decal to make the D8063, a plane I must have seen when I was based at Volkel back in 1982. The pictures I found on the net are from 312 Sqdn, but the decals say it is in 311 Sqdn, got to figure that one out yet. It is out of my comfort zone, usually I build WW2, but it looks like fun.
















Made a small start with the cockpit, progress will be slow as usual.



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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi all,


Made some progress on the 104, finished the cockpit. Thanks to the freezeing weather not much work so bench time available!! Was a lot more work than I thought it would be, The dials are from Airscale because I did not like the decal provided in the box, the rest is what Italeri put in the box. When I was in the airforce I sat in them and I remember a lot of buttons which I dare not touch, hope this gives the impression of a buzzy place. Hope you like it and commends are welcome.











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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Hi all,


With a long weekend and alone in the house finally plenty of bench time.


First some preshading, I just like doing this, and after that it was time to put colours on it. I made a mistake by using the wrong colour gray but I could correct this. After a couple of hours it starts to look like a Starfighter.






















Like the looks of this one.


Let me know what you think of it.







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Decals.....you love them you hate them. 


After putting the model in Future to make it shining I figured it was time to put the decals on. I had purchased a nice set and I was gonna use Mr Mark setter and softer to make sure that the result would be good. Well, I thought.




The first decal went to pieces before I even touched it. I saved them in an envelope and dry and they are a year and a half old, should not be a problem right?




Try again. Number two seemed good at first glance but when dried it also was cracked.....




This was a kit decal. After drying there was a airbubble. So I punctured that with a needle and applied some more softer. With this result somehow everything melted and the colours went "strange" ......also the softing fluid affects the future so not really happy right now.


I just hate decals.


Wat is the best way of removing them off the model without ruin the paintjob. And more important what am I doing wrong????




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Hi all,


Spent the sunday patching up. 




Removing decals does ruin the paint. The only problem is that I mix paint just on the eye, so I will never get the same colour I am afraid. So I decided to repaint panels, I figured that in real life damaged panels were replaced or repainted and that those colours would be off also. It is a warplane not a piece of art right? ( at least in real life...)

I also painted the pointy things that stuck out of the inlet ( no idea how you call those ) and painted the light panels, I messed those decals up too. I like paint better.


















And I glued the nose on, just to get my fair share of glue.




Could not resist.


I got a new set decals from Dutch Decals, again great service!!


So decal time.



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  • 2 weeks later...

After taking a deep breath time to decal!!


I have tried some on a spare piece but that was not very convincing but I figured I would have a go at it.
















I think everything went quite well except the roundel wich is giving me hard times, don't know how to fix that.


I took me all day to do one side, that makes me wonder did they fly these planes or read them?



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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

Hi all,


I see that my photobucket is not working also, just as good anyway.


I am afraid that the Starfighter won't be done for a while. Two weeks ago my house burned down, we came out allright but my dog did not make it. We live in another house for a year or so untill they rebuild the place. Inside all is lost, my mancave came out allright. Some melted models and smoke damage. So my modeldays are temporarely over I am afraid.




I will check in so every now and then.



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Hi there Rick, I am terribly sorry to read about your plight; I know from bitter experience how it feels to loose a loved pet (it really can feel like one of your children) - ...my deepest condolences Rick, and I hope the road to recovery is relatively trouble free. All the best, fellow modeler...

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  • 8 months later...
On ‎3‎-‎1‎-‎2017 at 12:08 AM, Rick Martens said:

Time for something new. When Italeri came with the 1/32nd scale I just had to have it. I got the decalset from Dutch Decal to make the D8063, a plane I must have seen when I was based at Volkel back in 1982. The pictures I found on the net are from 312 Sqdn, but the decals say it is in 311 Sqdn, got to figure that one out yet. It is out of my comfort zone, usually I build WW2, but it looks like fun.
















Made a small start with the cockpit, progress will be slow as usual.



Hi Rick,


Seemingly the 8063 flew with both 311 and 312 at different points in it's career.


Wilko Jonker's site: https://kw.jonkerweb.net/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=509:lockheed-f-104g-starfighter&catid=62&lang=nl&showall=&limitstart=3&Itemid=498

D-8063  c/n: 8063; 1051  Into service: 19-06-1963  Out of service: 23-11-1984 Sqn: 306, 322, 311, 312, 311/312, UFO Afgeschreven en in gebruik als instructietoestel
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  • 2 months later...

Hello everybody!!!


Remeber this?




That is almost a year ago and the place has been rebuild and recently we moved back.






Last december Juno crossed our path and although she cannot replace the dog that died in the fire she was more than welcome




So I have got my mancave back and I have a lot of crazy ideas, but first I want to finish the Starfighter. I put the wheels on and now it is time so start the weathering.






Glad to be back.



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Hi Rick,

great to see you back here. The true scale remodelling of your house looks great and it's always comforting to have a refugium aka mancave :D. It's great to have a dog in the house, it makes live just more alive.

Have fun with your projects and don't Forget to share them.

Cheers Rob 

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