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Playing in the Sandbox Group Build Sept 1, 2024 - Jn 1, 2025

Stop the press!! New Wingnut Wings Lancaster on the way!


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Guest DannyVM
18 hours ago, Jeff said:

so I really don't get why some of the other guys are so upset

I'm not upset by any chance. I just don't get it why a well known W.W.1 manufacturer suddenly jumps into a W.W.2 subject which will have a small sales market. After all, most of us are not willing to pay the amount of money this beast will cost. Then there is the size of this big bomber, and don't get me wrong, i really am happy for the die-hard fans of such objects, they are really spoiled these day's, great to see that.:thumbsup2: I took a look at the WNW site, and yes indeed, great detail if you ask me, but, all that detail will be tucked away once the fuselage is closed.......result, all the good work for nothing, and that's why i don't like bombers, they are big, costs money and.......ooohhh well that's it.:D

Sorry guy's, but there is always one guy that has to be negative, well this time it's me, :2c::2c::2c: I always like WNW's W.W.1 approach, and i hoped it would stay that way, but like always, money call's and i understand that.  :respect:

This is just my opinion, nothing more, nothing less:sofa:


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Different point of view are all good Danny...

WNW already have the CAD data, their Boss loves Aviation, and they have access to all the necessary Manufacturing and Distribution channels. It makes perfect sense.

It's not a subject I would ever consider buying, but if the kind of detail evident from the CAD work can be replicated in styrene it's going to be a very impressive kit. 

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I get the cost thing, as this hobby is a 'want' rather than a 'need' , at least in my house.... well I mean that's what Cathy says :hsmack:, but look at the cost of some of these kits today the Felixstowe is $350 , and I know of at least one guy who bought at least one and did a masterful job of building it , didn't you Ernie?, I personally don't think the price will have a huge effect on any of these large kits,.... the issue for me at least would be the huge out lay all at once..... some of the guys have built multiples of one aircraft, like Spitfires, Corsairs, and Mustangs, all of them were well over $100 each, it was just that the outlay of big bucks was spread over a little more time.... and in my eyes, and mine only as I have 4 of them, that is the biggest issue at the moment, if one takes the 5 or 6 Spitfires, or the 7 or 8 Corsairs, it would amount to almost the same amount of out lay, just not all at once..... and believe me I get that in a very big way.....and as far as all the hidden detail, Danny, yeah, you nailed that one right on the head, and that is one I would have no clue on how to get around , other than the clear fuselage pieces or a cutaway, and who wants to do that to a kit like this.............. I only wish I had a 6.5 billion worth to play like this..... maybe, just maybe  as he is worth that kind of dosh, he may cut us a deal??  Naw, probably not.... all good points Danny, and always more food for thought.....love your points.... and this, everyone is just my :2c: worth...... I'd love to get one, but probably won't and will have to live this fantasy vicariously through you guys.....

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This could be the finest aircraft kit for a long many years. just Check the boxes..spectacular subject,check...spectacular detail,check...Company that makes the most accurately detailed kits out there,check.

And Jeff is right...I do want rather than need,will order one but probably just to own it,can't grantee I'll even build it to be honest.(know what that sounds like,sorry)

But do believe the price is going to be a shocker for many of us. right now I'm thinking 600 plus,hope I'm wrong but feel it's close. I mean four beautifully detailed Merlins..C'mon.


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23 minutes ago, williamj said:

This could be the finest aircraft kit for a long many years. just Check the boxes..spectacular subject,check...spectacular detail,check...Company that makes the most accurately detailed kits out there,check.

And Jeff is right...I do want rather than need,will order one but probably just to own it,can't grantee I'll even build it to be honest.(know what that sounds like,sorry)

But do believe the price is going to be a shocker for many of us. right now I'm thinking 600 plus,hope I'm wrong but feel it's close. I mean four beautifully detailed Merlins..C'mon.


Right on William, and for you and me, because of where we live, 600, PLUS exchange, PLUS post, PLUS duty, PLUS gst, PLUS pst...................... have I missed anything??:hsmack:

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1 hour ago, James H said:

I should have the HK test shot this week, and I'm already slightly damp in anticipation. 

Awesome news, James.  To be honest, the HK Lanc may turn out to be the deal of the pack.  If the test shot looks good, and the test builds are good, given HK's price point, and assuming that it needs little more AM than wheels and gun barrels, I'll buy and build one for sure.   That's an absolute certainty

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The reality is, the HK will probably be available within the year, where the Wingnut will come 12 months from now, HK has an opportunity to sell Lancs to a bunch of people, and then drop the price a little later and still get sales, because of the cheaper price. The majority of people building models don’t add AM, and build out of the box. There really is room for both HK and Wingnut. Personally, I don’t have a need to buy a Lanc right away, so I will wait for the Wingnut, just because I have built both brands, and I know that WNW will give me a pre-researched, glue and paint kit, that will amaze me as I assemble it.

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Just catching up again, the detail of those CAD shots and stupendous. If they are retained in the toolomh and moulding processes, then oh my.............this baby will be spectacular..........and as for all the detail being buried deep never to be seen again, as I said to Carl recently always feel a bit bereft when closing up.......

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