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Playing in the Sandbox Group Build Sept 1, 2024 - Jn 1, 2025

Airscale 1/32 Lancaster IP review


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Hi everyone,

I have done a small "in the box" video review of the lovely Airscale Instrument panel upgrade set for the HK Models Lancaster.. here..

Someone on LSP recently linked one of my reviews and the replies came thick and fast, to the tune of  "I don't like video reviews", "I'd rather see photo's and read words than watch a video" and I was even accused of mispronouncing a word in English rather than American and got called a Model Nerd!! Lovely bunch eh??

If you dont like video reviews, please dont tell the world on my thread.. 

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Without involving specific personalities; what was more concerning was the condoning of the abuse and name-calling by that Site's staff, and then the implication that it was acceptable behavior when it was specifically raised as an issue in the thread. 

Keep posting the reviews here Nigel. Don't let the so-and-so's get you down.

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Thanks guys, it wasn't so much the post from the individual that you are all referring to, which agreed should have been removed, it was more about the way people responded to the thread started by Pfuf, linking my three HK Lanc reviews. All the initial replies were all about how much they hated video reviews and what a pain it was to sit through them.

I posted a general reply.. "Who cares"?? If it's not for you, don't watch it!! 

If someone posts a build log of a beautiful Wellington Bomber, do people reply, "I much prefer a Lanc to a Wellington"? No they don't??

There will be a video review of the Master Barrels set up soon so I'll link it here.. If you want me to put it somewhere else James, I will. I intend to do a series on the HK Lanc upgrades, some of which will be my own creations I think??

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  • Administrators

Please feel free to post any reviews you wish here, and in any format.

As for one specific person whose posts were removed, it seems ok for staff to excuse him as that is 'him being him', and repeated behaviour is tolerated and not dealt with as with any other. 

Not great moderating traits.

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great review Nige, I'm just about to start working on the instrument panels upgrade.  I started my kit last night by trying to correct the pilot seat length without resorting to cutting which I think I managed by pulling the seat back cushion forward. 

I've only just joined this site, having been a lurking member of LSP for some years however the posts you refer to above (especially the specific one - unbelievable response from the site admin people) coupled with the way a number of people wrote negative comments about the B24 even before they had it in their hands has made me want to be somewhere less nasty. I build kits as a hobby and an escape from the more stressful side of life, I don't want to read those sort of comments, it ruins the fun for me. 

So here I am and hopefully here I'll stay, looking forward to learning, with gratitude,  from all who post - especially on this kit.



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