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Playing in the Sandbox Group Build Sept 1, 2024 - Jn 1, 2025

1/32nd scratch build RAF towed Bowser COMPLETED

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As I want to display my HK Lancaster I thought what do you typically see alongside a Lancaster when it sits at dispersal ??

An Oil bowser seemed a good choice so I set about digging out the details  . . .

Back in the 1980's I photographed and got some basic measurements from two example that were located on farms near to where I live.

I thoughts that the thing that might prove difficult would be the wheels and although I have source some, the overall diameter is correct but not the tyre/wheel ratio.

The start 


More to come . . . 


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Are ALL you guys mechanical engineers?????????????  I see such cool stuff being 'scratch' built, and here is ME , who can't draw a straight line with a ruler, let alone do something like this............... Geez, David, that looks perfect....., excellent so far.......:notworthy:

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Great set of photos, many thanks for sharing.

I think most of the pics show the bowser being used for re-fuelling  . . . perhaps after specialised vehicles were introduced these bowsers were used for Oil ??

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The strange thing about this vehicle is the suspension. Each wheels hangs from an arm from suspension bars and its difficult to explain so a photo here showing the Airfix version may give you an idea . . . (The Airfix version is too long in its wheelbase).


I found some suitable diameter piping to utilize as these suspension bars and arms


Turntable also in the process of construction

Thanks for stopping by. :-)


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Moving on at a slow pace we have this . . . .

Wheel with a metal axle inserted then super -glued into the suspension arm. Modified central hub.


The steering rack in place and I am pleased to say that it does rotate  . . .


Many thanks for looking in


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This is quite a difficult stage to build.

I need to get the wheels in-line with each other and also at the correct height, moreso when I add the second set on the other side. I am hoping that the spirit level will give me the wheels parallel to the body  . . . 


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After managing to successfully get the wheels all square and lined up, I also scratched the towing hitch frame . . .

I have seen two version of this and decided on the criss-cross one 



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Weathered quite heavily as these trailers tended to be outside day & night each day of the year.

The 'hose' took a bit of persuading to stay down flat but we got there in the end.

This is one of several items that I have built to go with a diorama for the yet to be built, HK Lancaster.

I hope you like them . . . 


 and these are the other items including the scratch built Nissen hut with the correct frontal profile that comes in at its base






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  • 2 weeks later...

I believe a David Brown tractor is on its way along with some bomb trolleys from Canada.

When I say on its way, I mean that its in production or so I am lead to believe  . . .

I have the HK Lancaster here ready to start soon; dont think I have the room for two of these girls unless I do wait and sell HK for the WNW version ??

I'm just gathering some bits to start another vehicle for my Lancaster diorama.

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