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The Great LSM Twins Group Build ends Aug 31, 2024 ×

Meng Lancaster


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Gentlemen, I would like to present the work of my daughter Sofia (6). We picked it up yesterday , after our visit at Nanton museum. Dad helped with the shark-mouth stickers and some fiddly press in bits. Other then that its all her. Great kit for children. I’m super excited to see her working on a model. Maybe more than herself.  :)

Also I am pleasantly surprised by the level of engineering that went into this cute kit. Easy and fun    









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Nice, it's not all about large scale and tons of aftermarket. Sometimes it's about FUN and we tend to forget that. Your daughter looks proud, and I see you hop around and try not to tell her about the colour scheme of that specific aircraft and the possibilities to use some AM or at least specific decals :D

Some time ago I built a Meng toon Kv-2 and had a lot of fun. It's not painted, maybe because I was not sure about 4BO and modulation combined with hairspray and enamel streaking :rofl:


Keep the funny side up

Cheers Rob

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Great job Sofia and Martin! 

It's not always easy to get kids into this hobby but making it fun certainly helps. 

My youngest Edward is heavily into dinosaur models but I'll see if I get him to try one of these. 


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Martin,  I don’t tear up often, so what I felt on my cheek must have been because of sudden allergies...

They're only young once, my friend, and these times will live in everyone’s memories for a lifetime and beyond. 

Sofia is so proud. And the camo is better than my last attempt at a British scheme.

Oh, and I love your daughter’s name. Sofia Pastukov was my great grandmother. :)  big lump in throat.

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