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The Great LSM Twins Group Build ends Aug 31, 2024 ×


ghost builder

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Hello to you all

im new over here,after a long lookand lurcking over here it whas time to sign me up

Mostly i build cars so here i go with planes

i hope to learn a lot over here but that will not be the problem i think

Im not a contest builder just for fun and relax

Maybe i also post later a car build off mine iff its allowd on the forum


Im 43 years and live in europe


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43 years old, lives in Europe... you know there comes a time when you're just showing off?

You build cars? Can you build me a car large enough to fit a Drum set and at least 1 passenger?

Give me some time, I don't have a licence?

Cheers mate, much appreciated. 

Welcome. :thumbsup2:

P.S. be sure to let me know when my new Ferrari station wagon arrives in the Antipodes?

Not Europe. We have sport. You can find culture in the supermarket fridge.

So, sport.

Try and get a conversion kit to build wings for my car so I can fly to Europe. True details should have something.

I will wait for your alert.

Did I say welcome? Hang on let me read back....

I did. :ph34r:

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Like all the guys have said, this is a very cool place to hang out, all friends here... I build cars and large trucks as well, I am looking forward to learning some of your techniques, as I'm sure it will help me do much better...... welcome aboard...


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