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Everything posted by coolboxx

  1. Very impressive work, those tyres concept and build just rock dudie..
  2. What a great start, that detail already nice work.
  3. This is out the box modelling,,,, I mean blue sky building. Great work....
  4. Lovely start, just wow! On that wood..
  5. Great concepts, great skills well done. Darren
  6. Thank you RichO Thank you Mike
  7. Looks really good, like the black /white v2 nose.
  8. That's a nice start, jet looks very good will be watching.
  9. That is a beauty, great weathering. Well done.
  10. That is a fine example of a bf 109, great paint job inspiration work. The pictures tell the story.
  11. Thank you JP. Thank you, I practice on the inside of the parts. I draw pencil lines then free hand the wheel lightly over the line, then I push a small pin into every rivet hole. This rounds off and raise slightly, so I can rub up the rivets I want to show up. Also after the pin work is done, you can apply primer then rub with a 1000 grit very lightly (wear) you want to create a neat round looking rivet,rather than just a hole. I am still learning though. But once you do it no looking back....
  12. I used a RB Productions rivet-R for the wings (1mm) , and I made a rivet tool for the fuselage out of a Ultra small syringe needle.
  13. Thank you Mark, it looks very good.
  14. Update, Hi all We'll the riveting is 90%done,i need to improve on this but for now it's ok. And I have built and painted a few parts. Hope to get things together tonight. I need to get some paint going can't wait. A few quick pics.....
  15. Great start Mark, what cockpit Green are you using.
  16. Epic, fast, smart, neat, kool, love it..
  17. Trying to catch up..... And rested on the 7 day Wow looking so good how many hours..
  18. Ok so I should keep an eye on other builds before I even think about starting this... But ok for a novice build?
  19. Great build and mods very smart.
  20. I brought this today, went to local model show saw a lovely mk2 on the table, then went across the road and got this.. Just one thing, I am level 1 on spits but it says level 5 on box. Oh bollo.....s
  21. Looking very good really like the worn areas with the primer showing through, nice effects.
  22. Very neat work, I do like the wear and staining just right.
  23. Great work, Watching with high interest as I have the takom king tiger.
  24. That looks the part, keep finding little details all the way around. Love that cammo too.
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