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Everything posted by Umlaufmotor

  1. I had already followed the construction of this model in another forum at times. Nice to see how Gotha has grown in the meantime. Again and again nice to see, but unfortunately often very rare: Superdetailing, which comes very close to the original. Here, on this model, excellently realized. Bravo! Servus Bertl
  2. Coool this works!! I left this forum when Photobucket had decided to become bandits. Over the years I was always visiting as a reader, but not for posting. I think this will change again with this clever function to post pictures. Greetings from Bavaria Servus Bertl
  3. A test whether this actually works Cockpit from Wingnut Wings Albatros D.V "early" Werksnummer 1187/17
  4. I think you need those little things here, Herr Graf? http://www.brengun.cz/e-shop/1-32-accessories-31/cowling-fasteners-wwi-(50pcs)-934#!prettyPhoto
  5. ".............After five Wingnuts kits in a row, I think I'm ready for a change of pace.... " Michael, you traitor
  6. @Mnemonic That looks very interesting - I ordered 2 guns. Servus Bertl
  7. I think this will be a great built, James. I saw the restored original with my own eyes in the "Deutsches Museum" in Munich. I think it was sometime the end of the 1970's year, or early 1980's - I do not remember exactly. But what I still know very well is - this thing was big, very big compared to the standing next original Me 262. Well, model tastes change, I am now swirled complete over the last 8 years from German WW2 Luftwaffe to the German WW1 Imperial Luftwaffe (thanks to Roden and Wingnut Wing you all know). But this Buildingreport I will follow with curious and wide open eyes. A big "Servus" from Bavaria Bertl
  8. Take a WNW Gotha or AEG.......................Rigging is easy Servus Bertl
  9. No, no update. The W.29 dust inside the case - far away from "built-ready". But at some point - I swear - sometime it goes on here with the W.29. The WNW LVG C.VI keeps me for some time on the W.29. Servus Bertl
  10. Vote for the Dreidekker. The reason? Well, I grew up at the Augsburg airport, and I was there as a boy, as there the Dreidecker was flown for the film from the seventies "The Red Baron". I'll never forget it, - this tiny, brilliant little red plane with three wings. This triplane was built in Augsburg-Haunstetten by Josef Bitz....... ..............And now I am happy as a little child on this little bird (incl. the Fokker F.1) to see it from Wingnut Wings (I REALY HOPE ) Servus Bertl
  11. ....................this is a very expensive 2014 christmas, Fernando Servus Bertl
  12. Fokker Dr.1/F.1 Albatros D.III Friedrichshafen F33E Servus Bertl
  13. I think, this book is also available by amazon.com http://www.amazon.de/German-Seaplane-Fighters-WWI-Perspective/dp/1935881094/ref=sr_1_5?ie=UTF8&qid=1416332817&sr=8-5&keywords=jack+herris Servus Bertl
  14. Look at the lucky guy in the background - the one with the pilot's cap. I think he also just ordered a W.12. Servus Bertl
  15. The wodden groundfloor incl. Turnbuckles http://i11 05.photobucket.com/albums/h342/ASKundASK/Fokker%20EI/Rumpf%20aussen/Boden%20aussen/Boden8_zps2f6e5e35.jpg Servus Bertl
  16. And a little bit of cockpit work............... Servus Bertl
  17. Just ordered - thank you for the tip, Francisco !! Servus Bertl
  18. 7 months not posted because I have not seen the problem with the switch in the upper left corner. OK, here's the Taurus rotary engine for Fokker EI Servus Bert
  19. Hurray , it works!! I can finally post pictures again Thanks again for the tip with the switch.
  20. The trick with the switch on the top left seems to be working. Thank's a lot, wackyracer I can write..............but copy pictures is not working. Servus Bertl
  21. I have the same problem for month - therefore, I can not post more pictures :-( Servus Bertl
  22. An interesting link for our Rumpler-team James and Jeroen, The restoration of a Rumpler C.IV by Koloman Mayrhofer: http://www.craftlab.at/index.php?id=12 watch the slide Show........... Servus Bertl
  23. Hä hä,.......................James and Jeroen, - both wait for the first post from the other Servus Bertl
  24. @chuckt5 Thank you, ........................and happy birthday Servus Bertl
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