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The Great LSM Twins Group Build ends July 3, 2024 ×


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Everything posted by Clunkmeister

  1. Yep, I'm having HUGE innerweb problems here in the country. I finally commandeered a computer away from my area, so here goes
  2. OK, I've been able to get back online from something OTHER than my phone, so here's the long awaited list. ENTRANTS Smitty BlrwestSiR Peterpools Seiran01 Recon Winnie GusMac Krow Harv Fran Gaming Dragon32 GazzaS Martin Atrful69 Telapatu Drifter Landlubber Mike HubertB BradG Leitch144 GRAND PRIZE 1. Winner's choice of 1/32 HK B-17G (first edition with Milk Wagon on the box) OR JetMads 1/32 C-21 Learjet plus a $500 USD gift certificate to Hannants or Sprue Brothers - donated by LSM Admin 2. Anycubic Photon S 3D printer - donated by Hubert GIFTS Dragon Bf-110D/E - Donated by Smitty $100.00 USA gift card to the online hobby shop of the winner’s choice - Donated by BlrwestSiR $50.00 USD Gift card of winner's choosing - Donated by Winnie Ra'anan Weiss - F-16C/D Barak in IAF Service (IsraDecal Publications) - Donated by GusMac Vought A-7 Corsair ll in Hellenic Air Force Service (Andreas Zeitler & Andreas Klein) - Donated by GusMac Israeli F-15 Eagle Units in combat(Osprey Publications by Schlomo Aloni) - Donated by GusMac 20 voucher/store credit, winners choice. - Donated by Gaming Dragon32 Wingnut Wings Hansa Brandenberg W.12 - Donated by GazzaS Infiniti Models file Set - Donated y Peterpools Hasegawa 1/32 Ju-87 Kanonenvogel with multiple PE - Donated by Harv Trumpeter Missile Set - Donated bt Harv Hasegawa 1/32 Fw-190A-8 - Donated by Bill S Colors and Markings vol 8 _F-14, Squadron in Action - F-14, Detail and Scale vol 9 - F-14, colors and markings, vol-2 F-14 As one gift, all donated by Recon 1/32 GWH P-40B Hawk - donated by Clunkmeister 1/24 Meng Fokker Dr1 - Donated by Clunkmeister Kinetics E2C Hawkeye 2000 1/48 scale Kit # K48016 - Donated by Krow Fly 1/32 Natter - Donated by Krow Revell 1/32 Wiesel 2 LeFlaSys OZELOT - Donated by Telepatu $ 100 USD gift card to the modeling supply store of the winner's choice - Donated by Landlubber Mike $50 gift card to the modeling website of the winner's choice - Donated by Fran 1/32 Trumpeter P-40E, P-40M, or P-40N (winner’s choice of one of these three) - Donated by Seiran01 $100 AUD gift voucher to the Hobby store of your choice - Donated by Artful69
  3. Hey folks, for some reason I can’t get on the site with my home router, so I’m using cell service. I’ll get a list going tomorrow
  4. I'll start a list tonight folks. I did check with JetMads, and the Lears aren't expected until sometime in the last half of next year. That's a looooooong time from now, but they're gonna be noice.
  5. Very nice. As a guy who can barely nail two board together, I’m quite suitably impressed. I’m in the process of redoing one bay of my car barn into a bar/50s lunch counter/service station replica. With parking for our 56 Meteor. it’s a TON of work. 😡🤬
  6. Martin, you like buzz cuts on women? High and tight flattops? Were you Navy? 🤨
  7. 2021 has been a pretty crappy year here in my neck of the woods and I’m glad to see it in the rear view mirror.. Our Christmas raffle went over well the last three years, but I made a few mistakes due to my chronically low double digits IQ. I will need to concentrate harder on making sure everyone and everything is accounted for. I’ll go over the rules and once again, and attempt to keep it simple. So here is rundown of rules so everyone is refreshed and aware. For those who participated over there, you'll see a couple minor rule changes implemented by me just because I can. 1. Anyone who wants to enter to win may do so, IF, they are an Active Member of LSM as of right now. Dec 05 2021 2331 hrs CST) 2. Active Member is defined as anyone who has contributed to LSM by posting two posts to LSM within the last calender year. I though again of making it a WIP requirement, but decided again to nix that idea. The whole idea here is to promote a feeling of Christmas Spirit, get people posting more, and hopefully bring a better ending to 2020. So let’s make this fun! 3. Enrolling: Entering the raffle is easy. Just post "I'm in" and I'll mark you down. You do not need to contribute a gift to win a gift. 4. Gifts: You're welcome to contribute a gift to be included in the raffle. It’s absolutely not required or expected and you do NOT need to contribute a gift to be part of the raffle. 5. Impropriety: To avoid any sense of impropriety, I am going to ask that all people who feel led to contribute gifts to please verify your gifts as listed correctly. If I list it wrong, please let me know so I can correct it in time. Anything LSM related is good in my book. Aircraft and AFVs, supplies, AM, tools, etc, are all OK. I would suggest that if you're giving a bunch of little AM bibs and bobs, or things like magazine collections, think about including them as a package. It makes my job easier when it comes to keeping track of who gave and won what. 6. More Impropriety: As the organizer and overseer of this operation, once again, I will again NOT be eligible for any gift drawings. 7. Giving something is cool, but there is no right or wrong. Some give kits, others a resin set of wheels or #11 blades, or decide not to. If you feel led to, then do, cool, if not, then there is no big deal. 8. But remember, if you offer a gift, you're responsible for the shipping charges to the winner. 9. Gift givers and winners are to contact each other in a timely manner and winner must provide shipping information so the giver can get the package in the mail. 10. This is a fun Christmas Raffle, guys. If you pledge a gift, please make every effort to get it out in a timely fashion. 11. I will attempt to update the prize list and the names of those who entered the raffle on a daily basis. If there's more entrants than gifts, not everyone will receive a gift. If there's more gifts than entrants, then some will get more than one. 12. Drawing: Christmas Day in the USA, because that's where I live, and I work the day before, so the Aussies and the Kiwis gotta wait an extra day. Sorry guys! Grand Prize this year will consist of an HK B-17G with the option of requesting a JetMads Learjet C-21 in lieu of the B-17. Grand Prize will be drawn from all names after the regular draw has been completed. Pretty normal stuff, eh? I think this oughta be a fun thing and I really hope everyone has a good time with this! Ernie
  8. OK, I’ve been racking my tiny little brain on what to do here and how to avoid the pitfalls of previous years, because last year a few people had their names missed due entirely to my incompetence and oversight. So, what I’m gonna ask is that y’all help me. As the list grows, please check for your name and make sure it’s listed on whichever list, or both lists if you are both donating and receiving. Our grand prize has been plagued by issues. Once, a Wingnut Lanc was chosen, and Wingnut promptly folded, next year, an A-26 with Eduard engines was one of the awards and poof, the Eduard warehouse went up in flames. You seeing a pattern here? Carl is getting a Viggen in place of the no more Lanc, and Smitty got Resin2Detail engines once they hit the market. So, onward and upward, let’s make this the very best one yet. I’m going to offer a first edition HK B-17 out of my personal stash as the Grand Prize, (that’s the one with Milk Wagon on the box), with the choice of the winner to opt for a JetMads Learjet C-21 if they so desire, also will be out of my stash, once they arrive in 2022. No danger of JetMads getting struck by a meteorite if it’s not the stated real grand prize 🤣 And the B-17’s in my freestanding barn, so I’m safe too. 🤣😇
  9. We are. I’m just getting a few personal loose ends tied up here, as in saying goodbye to loved ones, etc. hang tight, y’all.
  10. Now that’s a beauty. Nicely done! I have the 1/200 Arizona, and have been playing around with doing what’s needed to transform her to USS Pennsylvania.
  11. Yes, The AAF had LeMay a d the RAF had Harris. They both made decisions that made perfect sense at the time, but maybe don’t quite stand up to scrutiny over the years. So we need to be careful to look at them through the lenses of the day, not of today. Aircraft so totally overloaded that even the slightest momentary hiccup from one of the engines on the takeoff roll meant a massive fireball off the end of the runway. But one less gallon of gasoline meant less of a chance of making it back. One less bomb loaded today meant one more trip in the future, and one less ammo belt loaded meant one less belt to fight off the German fighters. One thing I never did understand was Harris’s absolute unwavering refusal to allow RAF bombers to rearm with .50 cal guns. The AAF used them, and the RCAF changed their Lancs over, but the RAF refused.
  12. Yep, I actually have a Squadron I’m going to do, just not sure of the bird yet. It will be an Airborne Cigar (ABC) of 101 Sqn RAF, because my ex FIL did a full tour with them as a tail gunner and was a third of the way through his second when he was forcibly transferred to 429 Sqn RCAF as they activated. (He was not amused) The war ended shortly after 101 Sqn had some of the highest loss rates of the war, but his crew was Blessed. They had nobody killed, and no crew members left the team except for their Nav who took extended leave for kidney stones. He came back and they soldiered on. The history of the ABC missions is interesting. They carried an German speaking extra crew member who acted as an ECM operator and broke into the night fighters radio traffic and screwed with the GCI guys. The ABC birds also transmitted static and interference, sometimes simply microphones set in the cowlings of the Merlin engines and kept an open key on the German Freqs.. That really messed with the Germans ability to conduct ops. Needless to say, the ABC ships were prime targets and were #1 on the list to destroy. They were easily picked out due to the extra antenna arrays…. Along with those duties, they also conducted normal bombing duties. Far be it for Harris to let an aircraft leave out empty!
  13. The staff here have had discussions regarding things like this. As long as things don’t degrade into the absurd, personal attacks, or similar, we let things run their course. Personally, I think it’s healthy to a certain degree. As long as it’s our regular bunch having discussions over coffee, it’s all good. Now when some new guy walks in and tips the table over, we all have an issue with that. Y’all know my personal feelings on Chinese Copyright and business practices. I needn’t go over them again. Let’s just say this isn’t the first time this has happened. From my understanding, the DR.1 was an employee generated project to fund other more esoteric ventures. As a result, PJ didn’t care one bit about that project. The Lanc however is another story. That’s his baby and this hurts him hard.
  14. Everyone has more or less played nice. Thank you for that, folks. It’s back up for sale, I expect I’ll have one, simply because it’s the ultimate Lanc kit. I built the HK kit and loved it, but for a wartime Lanc, I expect this kit will be amazing.
  15. Happy Thanksgiving y’all! Be safe out there! And to the 85% of this board who’s not in the USA, Happy normal work day! This day is a bit surreal in our household. But always remember,…. Eat more cow
  16. Thanks y’all. Care homes in Canada are notorious. Carl can testify, I’m sure. I’m just glad I’m here, because if I was there, I’d most likely be in prison right now.
  17. Working to keep my business afloat through the Covid mess, (we succeeded), my wife’s illnesses and hospitalizations, (she’s on the mend), my Daddy’s illnesses and hospitalization, (he’s on the mend), and the ongoing saga with my Mom. She has Dementia and is in a nursing home. For two years, the Docs and nurses have complained constantly about my Mom’s knack of getting up and going for midnight strolls. They’ve had to constantly chase her down and bring her back. Well, Covid came, and of course nobody was allowed in to see her, so that gave them the chance to rope her down in her bed and of course she developed bedsores. Being 82 years old, the infection wouldn’t go away, so they were forced to amputate her left leg at her hip. Now no infection and no more chasing her down. What a relief for them. Now of course this is in Canada, and despite it being blatant malpractice, there are no witnesses, just statements from old folks and much conjecture, and suing the government isn’t recommended, so my family is out in the cold. But, that being said, there WILL be a Christmas raffle this year. We had som issues with last year’s edition, with some suppliers going broke, and a couple names being missed, (I run this myself) but we’ll try a bit harder this year. I expect to go live right after Thanksgiving, y’all.
  18. Well, an M113 will get through a 12’ door, so I’m ok. You have no idea how much we truly DESPISED these things in service, with armor scientifically designed and field tested to be just thick enough to allow a Soviet 12.7mm round to penetrate the hull but not exit, which would instantly cause mass consternation. And instantly cure constipation. And the Detroit diesels had zero power unless you floored it, which of course caused the rods to exit the block. But best of all, the cupola mirrors were angled just perfectly to either blacken your eyes, flatten your nose, or knock out all your toofs. And if you stood up like that idiot is doing, the mirrors or rim will give you the Mother of all Purple Nurples. But hey, in civilian life, they make cool hippie stompers.
  19. Rob, I absolutely love your result. Gorgeous! I built this kit the first moment it was released, got it from Hannants actually, as US suppliers hadn’t received any. I thoroughly enjoyed the build and the only hiccup I had was the wing to fuselage join: there was a gap. Not normally an issue, but the entire rest of the kit was almost flawless. I always build mine closed up, so I found I needed to shim up the doors slightly. Test this before glueing. And getting a less than monochromatic finish with that Polish khaki was a challenge. I went back over it with shading a half dozen tomes followed by multiple washes before I was remotely pleased.
  20. I’m away from this place for a bit and look what happens! So now that there are good clear resin turrets available for the big Lib, I’m onboard for a build as well. I’ll have to live with that hideous wing, but the turrets at least are better. Carl, I’m glad you’re doing this scheme. It was one I was eyeballing real close, so now my choices have gotten easier. I’m watching this VERY closely!
  21. That’s a bad ass Jeep. A Hilux would be a bad idea no matter what. The reputation alone could get you cratered.
  22. I have NO idea what I was thinking when I told the contractor 12 foot roll up doors and a high ceiling. Like I wanted to get a Peterbilt in here. Maybe I did, I dunno, it’s a long time ago.
  23. And we’ve been working overtime, trying to get the barn renovated in time for the cold winter. We have the spray foam complete, it looks like the Stay-Puft Marshmallow man attacked it, then painted it flat black, then now comes the corrugated roofing steel. Electrical is finished as well. Think Junkers or Ford aircraft. That kind of stuff. Like culverts. Then, a divider wall for the man cave/lounge, and build a bar. Got both jukeboxes working. The 1948 AMI will be in the lounge, and the 1954 Rock-Ola Comet Fireball will be with the old cars. Plenty of shop tools to find homes for, but we’re building shelves on the far wall for that exact purpose, oh, and for my wife’s Christmas decorations as well.
  24. I’ve never been a Jeep guy at all. Never really got “it”. I used real Jeep’s in the Army and had my fill of them. But the Gladiator pickup has me thinking…. I wanted a Toyota Hilux with twin .50s swivel mounted in the back, but I bowed to political correctness on that one, but maybe, just maybe, a Gladiator in that German Grey-green Jeep is selling them in, might just work. I like them slightly lifted, bo fancy wheels, just plain black or body color, and proper all season rubber, not these off road sand grabbers they’re selling them with these days.
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