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Everything posted by DocRob

  1. @towerpower, thank you. There is more to come from different airplanes. @Cees B, I actually don't now if that Cat has been embedded in a wall display. I noticed in different pictures in the Internet, that compared to my pictures changes have been made the way exhibits were displayed, so it is quite possible.
  2. Quite some time since the last Post in this Thread. You may have noticed that there is a PE-Cockpit-Detail-Set in the Market (Yahu YML-3201) http://yahumodels.siemianowice.com/132-124 And there are Masks available for the clear parts (Fly NWAM0001) http://shop.fly814.cz/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=41_53_108_46&products_id=832&language=en I have the Nightfighter including the above mentioned Sets im my stash and I'm looking forward to build that bird Greetings Rob
  3. By the way of introducing myself I wanted to show the mighty F4U I built some time ago. When I was young I was building all the MatchboxAirfixRevellandevensomeTamiya stuff. About thirty years later I decided to reenter the Hobby because I found it really relaxing to give my best in Modelling after hard days at work. I'm not fixed on special subjects, so I do Airplanes as well as Armour and even some Steampunk and Science Fiction Stuff and Figures and there is no special era which I prefer. A Subject has to be of some fascination esthetically, in a technical way, or just be the perfect Subject to learn new techniques. Most of the times I loose interest when a kit is finished, it is more the building, painting and weathering I'm in for. Actually Im not building because I'm moving from Germany (You already guessed that English is not my Mother Language) to Spain and not only my Modelling stuff is in a Container somewhere on the Atlantic Ocean. The Corsair attracted me by it's look of grace and sheer power an I liked the Early war colors of the bird.It was the third Modell of my new career and there were some goals to achive and techniques I wanted to give a try. I wanted to go multimedia and added a lot of AM so that there would be no excuse for fails. KIt: Tamiyas 1/32 Birdcage Corsair an excellent Kit AM: Not really needed except for the wheels - Brassin Cockpit, excellent, but not much of the work will be seen. Lots of scraping and grinding was necessary to fit the cockpit into the fuselage - Brassin Engine, excellent, but I had my Issues later to be mentioned - Eduard PE and Placards - Maketar Masks, I didn't want to Use the Decals for Insignia, Numbers and Walking lines. - SAC Metal Landing Gear, nice but definitely not a must - Brassin wheels as mentioned - Lifecolor and Tamiya Colors, I like to work with Lifecolor in my Airbrush, less sputtering then other brands So there she is. Don't judge to hard on the bird and on my photo-skills, both are on their way of improving. Still on the Bench: And finished: For sentimental reason I will stress the engine theme a little. I loved the build of the Brassin-Engine a lot, it was tempting an satisfying an was a first for me handling huge amounts of resin and metal parts. There were some really upturning Moments in that period of the build. I used blue Micro Mask to mask off the Aluminium areas of the Cylinders and spraying the black air guiding parts. I will never use that stuff again, because it sticks like hell and is nearly impossible to remove, but the worst was yet to come. I decided that I want to show the engine details through removable cowlings. I failed after different attempts first using the Kit plastic parts (even thinned), second using the Brassin cowlings and at last bending and soldering PE-cowlings. But it was impossible to get a god fit and just snap lock the parts, so I ended the nightmare gluing everything closed. One more thing I learned was that it is better to do the wiring by yourself, then using PE ones which always look a little to flat (like the great build of DannyVM). I hope you enjoyed the ride Greetings Rob
  4. I want to share some photos I took some years ago at the NNA Museum in Pensacola Florida. Do I hear HPH-Models cutaway Catalina or to put it short Cutalina. It is not much, but it might help detailing your Cat's Greetings Rob
  5. Hello Danny, nice progress in this build. Your work with the Cockpit and Engine look pretty well. Its a shame that almost everything of the detail is hidden. One remark about the inside color of the engine area, I believe that area should be painted interior green. The pinkish-salmon color which you really hit on the mark should be applied only in the area of the rear wheel and the inner wing structures. I build the Tamiya Corsair a while ago and really liked the kit. I decided to add a lot of AM like the Brassin Engine and Cockpit. The Resin-Cockpit is a piece of art and the engine as well but the latter turned into a little nightmare for me. After finishing and painting the engine i tried to fit it i the fuselage in a way that it would be possible to remove the engine cowlings and show the engine details. Even after thinning the original plastic cowlings it was impossible to get the result. I decided to give the Eduard PE cowlings a try and was bending and soldering with the result, that fit was good but there was no way to snap fit the cowling parts for easy removal. In the end I glued everything in place and was in a bad mood for days. Greetings Rob
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