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Everything posted by Peterpools

  1. Very much appreciated, lots of test fitting and fussing but I'm getting there. We are doing a lot better and my wife has a big procedure scheduled the end of the month and hopefully, all will be fine.
  2. Sasha Nice work on the Spinner - looking mighty good
  3. John Looking good and so glad your resisted putting the 104 0n the SOD after the paint peeling adventure.
  4. Rob Thumbs up on the canopy masking and install - looking mighty good.
  5. John Looking mighty good and calling it quits and not tempting fate is the way to go.
  6. Hi Dennis Very much appreciated and thanks so much. Modeling has helped me through some tough days and not to forget I used it as a form of therapy for my hands, which I had a very hard time even writing my name. Thank goodness I'm back to where I was but there are new challenges my wife and I are facing as we age. As the saying goes, it's still better around and complain about getting older then the alternative. Still plugging away and looking forward to the release of Kotare's Spit Mk 1a early next year
  7. Sasha, still catching up and enjoying following our progress. Some mighty nice work on the front office and then the paint work to date. I keep adding 48th scale kits to my stash and your 109 is getting mojo working and wanting to start building a few.
  8. Thanks Rob And I'm right with you hoping no new fit issues. Just need to take it as it goes
  9. Thanks Gaz, much appreciated. The kit parts plus the Eduard and Quinta details really do make for a nice front office.
  10. Martin Thanks for the pics - always welcome and a great inspiration to keep moving forward.
  11. Thanks Carl and completely agree 100%.. I did spend more time then I thought I would on the internal, never to be seen details but as long as the kit included them, I just thought I would add then and one thing led to another and a lot of wasted time in my book. I just can't understand why manufactures devote so much of their resources to providing all these details that will never be seen. Personally, a waste of time and money on both sides of the coin. I just saw a 'Telford review' of the upcoming HK A20 and the details look amazing - but the same deal, so much will not be seen once the model is built.
  12. Jbert Very much appreciated. Still working my way back to spending time at the bench and as with all such kits, the fit issues are starting to creep in.
  13. Thanks Harv, much appreciated. getting there slowly but surely.
  14. CLOSING UP THE FUSELAGE Pin washes are done, all the remaining decals, placards, seatbelts, super small PE parts have been added and some light dry brushing as well. I used a good balance of the detail parts from GWH, Eduard and Quinta and the effect does look quite good. As I have already discovered and seems to continue: part placement and orientation is an issue as the instructions are not clear and nor specific enough. Directional locating arrows quite often just go in the general direction or even indicate wrong location. I’ve been very careful with locating parts, removed paint from all the mating surfaces and there still are fit issues. I decided to use pin washes in the fuselage interior just because I added all the detail parts as extra insurance in case something more can be seen then I assumed earlier. Unfortunately, so little actually can be seen. With the fuselage buttoned up, I thought now would be a good time to test fit the nose assemble and the fit has some issues I’ll need to resolve. The nose assembly taped on and there are some fit issues that need to be resolved The seat is finished and resting in place on the wing, as it's not attached to the cockpit bulkheads at all.
  15. John Looking good and absolutely fingers crossed 🤞
  16. Nick WOW, looking mighty good and the weathering isa spot on the money
  17. Carl Looking good and the pre-shading comes through perfectly. On board all the way
  18. John Pretty cool idea. Carl certainly has a workable alternative with less changes of peeling paint.
  19. Gaz Those rivets are going to be the unsung hero of the build as they will add so much but yet blend in without overpowering the rest of the build. Hard to believe the Giants with a new coach are 7-2 in a tough division and next up is the Lyons. Hopefully, we'll pull off another win and reach the 8-2 record. As a Giant fan, the eagles and Commanders are our arch enemies.
  20. John I sure hope the model companies making both 1/32 P-51 and Corsair, send you a gift or two for your loyal support.
  21. Rob I'm just old school I guess and first use MRP Gray Primer, then either Mr Color or Tamiya Black Gloss for the NMF base. Never, ever had an issue with their drying and talk about glossy and hard as nails.
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