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Everything posted by Peterpools

  1. Harv Nice work on getting the resin to mate up to the plastic. Agree with martin on checking the overall fit as I've been there and had all sorts of issues down the road. Keep 'em comin Peter
  2. Kev Nice ,progress. The added details and the turret interior look spot on and lots of fine work. Keep ‘em comin Peter
  3. Harv It’s a fight for sure but take your time, go slow and no question, you will work your way though the kit and wind up with a gem. Keep ‘em colmin Peter
  4. Carl Hope you back pains ease up allowing to to be able to walk and sit without pain. Been there many times in the past (thank g,oodness) and it’s no fun for sure. Rest and stay off, your feet - plenty of time for being at the bench when you feel much better. Keep ‘em comin Peter
  5. Rob Brilliant detail work on the front office. Details are crisp and clear and oh, those seat belts 👍 Keep 'em comin Peter
  6. Mark brilliant progress on the Ferrari - engine details look mighty impressive. Keep 'em comin Peter
  7. Phil Glad we're on the same wave length and "Young Man" ... thanks so much, as I'll be 74 in ten days. Keep 'em comin Peter
  8. Mark Cammo work is looking mighty sweet Keep 'em comin Peter
  9. Jetmad ... sure is looking mighty good is new releases. Can't wait for my Viggen to arrive next year and I'll also be looking on ordering the Phantom Keep 'em comin Peter
  10. Rob Thanks for the test on the blades - now all I have to do is buy the sharpening stones. Nice stash for sure and I also have the ZM He 219 but half way though the engines , my hands were still way too shaky and unsteady as a side effect from the chemo. I'm starting to think of picking it up again but doing it with the engines all buttoned up, as I think I would like the look a lot better. I built my tamiya Mossie with the Merlin's completely hanging in the wind as well as one of my Tamiya Mustangs and Spits, so ex[posed engines have kind of run their course for me for at least a while. You 190 projects sound very intriguing, as I've seen the kit built up with a lot of AM and it does look mighty good. Keep 'em comin Peter
  11. Rob Never thought of resharpening my cutting blades either - we're on the same boat. My feelings exactly on the ZM Mustang and why I haven't bought the kit. I just never seem to have much luck with all the outer panels enclosing the interior assemblies. even including pistons for the engines just seems such a waste of time and money. I am looking forward to their FW190 and if need be, will have to bite the bullet on all the hidden internal assemblies, as I've heard that there will not be a basic kit, just the standard SMS style kit. Keep 'em comin Peter
  12. I've just been reading that there might be some form of legal action and that the Lanc might be on hold. Not sure of what all this actually means - anyone have any further information? Keep ‘em comin Peter
  13. Rob Hoping that maybe is closer to now then later😉 Keep ‘em comin Peter
  14. Terrific progress, especially on the scribing and rivets. We’e been discussing on some of the other builds re- scribing panel lines and the tools used and you easily have that skill under control. No discussion yet on riveting, as again, your skills are shinning through. When riveting, my weapons of choice are a nice set of Rosie The Riveter. I do find riveting much easier then scribing but in either case a steady hand and prep work is required. KeeP ‘em comin Peter
  15. Gaz Nice start on the figures and greatly appreciate your comments and how to do’s. Please keep going slow with tiny steps as there is so much learn! Keep ‘em comin Peter
  16. Rob Stunning work - looking so good. Keep ‘em comin Peter
  17. Gaz How you start doesn’t count that much but rather the journey and how you finish. No questions or doubts in my mind, she is going to look perfectly the part when you cross the finish line line. Keep ‘em comin Peter
  18. Harv PE is on and the assembly is almost done - nice going Keep ‘em comin Peter
  19. Mark, much appreciated Keep ‘em comin Peter
  20. Thanks Dennis Slowly but surely we’re closing in om priming and then the paint shop. Keep ‘em comin Peter
  21. Thanks Rob Believe me, I’m the last person who loves a challenge rather when there are other options but Revell does offer a nice alternative, less detail, no where near crispness and accuracy of Tamiya but it’s a bargain at nearly $100 less, just a ton more work. My next few Mustang will be from Papa Tamiya Unless a sweet and accurate P-51B happens to show up. I’ve looked so many times at ZM’s Mustangs but couldn’t pull the trigger as I’m not a fan of all the internal details/assemblies that won’t be seen. Never thought of buying a set of Japanese sharpening stones, as I do the bare minimum of scribing and they still are pretty sharp. My trusty old and mostly now retired Tamiya P scriber had replacement blades, as does my new Tamiya scriber. Keep ‘em comin Peter
  22. Thanks Gaz Yup, with Revell you’re so right, it’s absolutely a trade off of time and detail vs cost. I’ve built so far three Tamiya Mustangs and surely will be building more but when I’m more interested in the overall ‘feel and look’ rather then detail and accuracy, I’ll still be going Revell. I still wonder why Revell didn’t go with really brand new P-51B and have the party to itself, as what’s out there just has too many issues. Can you imagine how many P-51B’s they could have sold.sell. After you suffered through your 109, it’s a wonder why both of the two remaining Revell kits in your stash weren’t binned. As far as the UMM scriber, never even thought about sharpening the blade, as I use mostly the curve tip. Keep ‘em comin Peter
  23. Carl Amazing build - love the front office. Keep 'em comin Peter
  24. John Your spit is looking mighty good and you're rolling for sure. Keep 'em comin Peter
  25. Mike Looking mighty good - the engine is just superb Keep 'em comin Peter
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