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Everything posted by Bomber_County

  1. No worries, he was a little taken aback......glad to help a buddy out.....
  2. I didn’t see that yesterday, I reckon they unveiled that today. Edit, they announced it today at Telford just checked their website...
  3. Telford haul, not shown ZM F4J, Xurcon micro shears, LED magnifying lamp and the venerable old Tamiya SAS Jeep. All apparently disappeared into Santa’s grotto........
  4. Check out the size of the Arizona
  5. Tasca kits are a joy to build, looking good Carl
  6. Wow £600, I must admit I didn’t look at the price list......
  7. Pics from the sample at Telford yesterday, available May 2019 I heard to guys saying
  8. HKM Lancaster
  9. Some for Martin, these are first shots, in store around May 2019, if I heard correctly
  10. Lets not forget their sacrifice.
  11. From this side of the pond, you guys are in thoughts and prayers
  12. Jeff......dropped in to say hi to Roger at Whirlybirds........he send his regards...... Also met Jeroen and Cees from here.......
  13. Treated myself to a ZM F4J
  14. One for Ernie and the crazy resin guys.......
  15. Sorry guys, got back late last night and to tired to upload. The show was fantastic and very busy. I’ve down loaded the phone so here a few snapshots of yesterday.......hope you enjoy...... first up WnW Lanc, had a long conversation with the guys, the stressed skin is awesome and has raised rivets, how who knows.
  16. Few highlights
  17. Telford tomorrow...........
  18. Absolutely stunning Frank.......hope mine eventually gets to this stage and finish, congrats......
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