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Everything posted by Bomber_County

  1. Ernie, what’s the old saying, moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips
  2. Thanks guys, this is becoming a serious contender......
  3. Hmmmm tempting.... scrum around ZM, HKM and WNW then......
  4. So Telford around the corner and ZM in attendance add I haven’t built a jet in .....will not finish that one. Interested to know what you guys think of their 1/48 F4. ZM sometimes have show prices and could be tempted for a change with something that hasn’t any props.......
  5. Where was advertised?????
  6. Harv .........look at the size of that squirrel...............
  7. This is getting all to much...... I want one............absolutely stunning
  8. I am salivating at the thought, man that would be so cool........
  9. Tony, man that’s a lot of bench time in a very short time, your is so clean a precise and fast.......would have taken me a month a least to get the pit even close......
  10. Try 14 years renovating a six bedroom property built in 1550, man glad that is behind me and sold.........after that I was in serious bench envy......
  11. Nice haul Carl.....
  12. No worries Kev glad to be of help. That’s one of the perks of being here............
  13. Stunning build Jerry, good see new / old faces......
  14. Big respect John, that kit is how old and stills looks great, congrats
  15. Not many of us get that so the sooner the better
  16. Welcome aboard, haven’t seen a build log on a MK II yet, looking good ....
  17. Jammed hoping you are on the road to recovery, the Lanc is looking good might have to be tempted
  18. Great to see you on this side Old Dog, dive on in and have some fun.........nice collection similar I haven’t a SOD as such just projects that need me breaking out the airbrush.....so I am with you completely on this one......
  19. The 219 wasn’t the prettiest of birds......thanks for the pics Rick....
  20. It’s perfect for you Gaz it’s can be 35th and 48th...........I’m the same probably more 35th than 32nd....
  21. Kev, welcome to LSM a great place to be........check out https://www.jadlamracingmodels.com/models/view-all they are heavily discounting the Mossie at the moment, a few left.......
  22. Pete absolutely stunning, you’re in the final straight.......
  23. BIG welcome to Dale, great see you here buddy.......and Jeff totally agree.....
  24. Gaz, left a welcome somewhere else as well but welcome aboard buddy, glad you found us.......as Harv said it’s good here...........
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