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Everything posted by Bomber_County

  1. Welcome to LSM, stay awhile you will enjoy it..........
  2. Ade so sorry about the boiler.........as far as the detractors, find something else to moan about........I’m excited that we have two big Lancs to build, we have never been so blessed.........
  3. Are we all ready for a .............
  4. Wow, two show stoppers as first couple of posts, congrats both stunning.......
  5. Depends on how big the shelf is...........
  6. A bit late to the party, happy birthday Harv, hope you had a fabulous time. The head will probably not up to some modelling today.
  7. Never a truer word said in jest........ Graham are you attending Telford ?
  8. Looking forward to more James
  9. He’ll be beside himself...........
  10. I am there on the Saturday...
  11. That’s gorgeous.........if I was ever to do a hairdryer the phantom is up there.......
  12. Peter, I hear you on the tooth, broke mine in half, just get better quickly. If he does extract the remaining tooth take the antibiotics..........
  13. We do have a season ticket rate, so lessens the pain a little. When you look at the figure having paid tax on it and subtract it from the wage............I’ll leave it there........
  14. 8 out 10 Martin’s that high praise indeed.....
  15. Will do John, unfortunately now into the work week, so next weekend. Don’t get back home till 8.00pm in the week....... whats the new flavour of kit........
  16. Looking very very nice, which stand wil you be on?
  17. I followed your Stuka ............hmmm say no more. Hoping the G6 is a little more forthcoming as a relaxing build. My last battle was with a SH kit. Not sure why but man did it drive me insane. Taking a break with some AFV’s. Looking forward to some progress.....
  18. A couple of items, John that must be one of the shortest “whole deal, rest for awhile “ , a whole day....... Looking forward to your Corsair, with you guys I reckon I dare not put any of my pics up.......
  19. Jeff I reckon after 31 years I probably own a couple of trains by now.........
  20. Jeff after commuting into London for 31 years and all the B/S going on in the UK at present, I’d gladly swap with you...........
  21. More pics..........are you entering it at Telford?
  22. Ok me to, got my advance tickets a couple of days ago. I am not a member of IPMS anymore. Where will you be ?
  23. Looking mighty fine, the tracks look really heavy and authentic....
  24. Welcome to LSM, chippy c (Robin) glad to have you aboard........more Lancs the better I say........
  25. Thanks James for very in depth review, as Ernie said a HKM followed by a WnW would be fair.......
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