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Everything posted by Bomber_County

  1. Not sure yet but SWMBO has told me to go and get all my own Christmas presents at Telford..........to be then delivered at the bewitching hour........
  2. Gazza great to see you over here.......Welcome aboard......the water is mighty fine and there are a few old faces around.......have fun........looking forward to seeing some your builds again.....
  3. Those guys............fill in the expletives...........may they..............IMHO.........
  4. Looks interesting, what’s the donor kits like though?
  5. That’s old school John.............
  6. Great guidance guys, I also wash ( carefully) before spraying, I assume this is correct for all the mentioned primers?
  7. Peter you ought to, as Carl said any Mr Tamiya AFV are gorgeous, and Asuka (ex Tasca) Sherman’s are very nice. Dragon can be a handle full but with patience come out nice......
  8. Sublime are the only words available........
  9. His a one man production line, nice one, let’s hope it’s a lot easier than the ZM 219........ hitting follow now
  10. Anothe sublime build John, congrats..... What do you use for aerial material?
  11. Congrats, absolutely stunning. Hope mine comes out half as good.........I’ll look out for it at Telford......
  12. I must admit and with glacial bench time, I predominantly brush. Recently invested in a compressor and dual action brush. Which will be a permanently residing in the garage with booth. This should force me to use it . The trouble is being always short of time, to set up and clean down is a almost my total bench time. For brush selection I always buy Windsor and Newton sables in various sizes, just keep them clean......
  13. Very much doubt it. They were a little paranoid about it........
  14. Looking good Martin, everyone says the SBD is probably the best Trumpeter kit around, interested on your take of it.......
  15. Daz, great photos. Thanks for sharing them. I ashamed of living in bomber county and not having time to visit these. If you have anymore be great for the Lanc builds......
  16. Thanks Rob for an honest answer. I have the Tamiya fine surface primer in white and and grey, do they do black? I’d actually forgot I had them in the back of the bench cabinets. I must admit if doesn’t taste or smell bad it’s probably not going to work..........
  17. Just putting the final touches to the shopping list for Telford. The question are the Vallejo primers any good. I’ve read mixed reports. I am predominately using Vallejo model Air and Color these days and usually put them on a base of the traditional car accessory rattle can primers. Be interested in any opinions.
  18. That’s completely ridiculous the number of injectors required for a relatively small part, this build is going to be interesting......
  19. 51A here a 47 there, whatever you build will be joy to watch the progress.........never built a 51A or B ........plenty of D’s....
  20. I didn’t know you guys in Canada land had 8 Lancs...........out of 17 around the world.......
  21. I’ll be there on Saturday........
  22. Great choice John, love the Jug, another masterclass in the making........
  23. That won’t be a snow drift
  24. Graham will deybe over to see you on the Saturday, nice to see you over this side Pharty........
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