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Everything posted by Bomber_County

  1. Ok guys, Telford next year and I’ll stand a round................
  2. Damn and blast, sorry Peter missed your birthday, hope you had a good time.........
  3. Ernie having just bought my first jet thingy for over 40 years, you probably know more about these non prop things as I ever will.....
  4. Gaz, looking good, really tempted to break open the Tristar kit......
  5. I like shiny things, but seriously, great metal finish modulation......
  6. Welcome to LSM, wow what a first showing. I can see we have a another master in our midst.........dive in and have fun
  7. Can never have enough research, appreciated....
  8. Some reason can’t see the pics.?
  9. Yummy here we goooooooooooo.
  10. How cool would it be for Mr Tamiya to do a 1/48 P38.......please.........
  11. Stunning as ever John........
  12. Who lives the closest to Ernie........
  13. Perhaps an inter war HP42 would be lovely, dressed in Imperial Airways livery.........
  14. Ok I’ll bite, happy St Martin’s day , Martin
  15. No hints at Telford bar the new Spit 1, they always keep it close to their chest
  16. John you would make that baby sing............
  17. Grunhertz.....good to meet you at Telford, I must admit I liked the stressing, what blew me away was the raised rivets......
  18. Nice start Gaz........the Marder H was also my first Dragon and AFV after coming back to the hobby........I must finish it I find with Dragon is read the instructions, then read again, test fit and read again.......overall they are good kits....... I have this lurking in the stash, an enormous number of parts
  19. Very very nice, more pics please........congrats
  20. Thanks James for the review, would love to attempt one .......
  21. Jeff, unfortunately these are the last ones, having only the day and shopping on top means limited time to photograph..........next year the whole worldwide gang will be there........for both days.........
  22. Hubert, I was trying to think who had started a 0/400.........doesn’t always happen......
  23. Some AFV’s Apologies for the poor quality, only had my phone.....
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