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Everything posted by Bomber_County

  1. I got really confused until I saw the dates, this F4 is a fairly old mould now, how does the compare with the newer Tamiya creations. As I have said before, haven’t done a jet for 45 years. Do fancy a either F4 or F14 but I think doing either in 32nd would be a timescale to far........any news on the Tirpitz? stunning build quality as ever Danny......
  2. Hmmmmmm just don’t get curling. My heart is with the Red Arrows.........
  3. I don’t know, bowling down some of the streets in London maybe quite interesting........got to say it’s not the prettiest heavy mover around....
  4. The AM looks really nice, looking forward to seeing it closed up....
  5. Found it at last, its under account settings and then signature......
  6. Looking absolutely stunning as ever John.
  7. Maybe, I have got a MacBook Pro, I’ll give it a go on there......... ironically all the data is in the Profile fields when I go back to profile edit, but just will not save and populate a post. Phil
  8. Yep that’s exactly what I did, saved and zero appears when I post..... I am doing it on an iPad? Phil.
  9. Telford is just around the corner ie Scale ModelWorld. Apparently WNW are going to in residence. Anyone going???
  10. Did anything happen on this? Phil
  11. Got that far, where do you add the message for the bottom section of a post ie Phil. Etc etc
  12. Haven’t built a Lizzie for so long. I agree looking around and the Matchbox was the only 32nd available.
  13. Welcome aboard Andre, would love see pics of the Tomcat..........the camel at 1/8is almost RC scale..... Phil.
  14. Went a little crazy.............. Phil.
  15. Another question is how do you add signature and what’s on the bench info on your profile.........
  16. Brilliant I have a D-9 on the bench as we speak............wow for once I am in tune......... phil
  17. If we do get a Traders Board, may I suggest we tag of where the trade item is ie preface it with UK etc. It saves rollicking through reams of stuff that would be prohibitive to post........just an idea phil.
  18. Our Harv is so devilish.......... Phil.
  19. I am a chronic sufferer.......... Phil
  20. you guys just crack me up.........
  21. SaG, welcome aboard. Looking forward to your build. Phil.
  22. Peter that’s B24 not Beech 45..........
  23. Martin, that’s blooming stunning old chap........but seriously that’s GOOD...........one day I might be .......... Phil.
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