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Everything posted by Bomber_County

  1. Talking of storms, wishing everyone to be safe for when that storm hits......
  2. Thanks Martin, first time I have ever seen a Canadian 17..........
  3. Not owning any of the above, don’t really know.....
  4. Very bizarre choice for an interior, the guys at the gulag we’re having a laugh........
  5. This is what I love about this place................ pure unadulterated love of the aircraft and modelling...
  6. Kent that’s absolutely stunning............heaven knows what you have in store for the HKM......
  7. Welcome to our new home Ivan, more the merrier.........
  8. Hey Danny just replaced mine as well........
  9. Welcome aboard Hubert, dive on in and have fun........
  10. Welcome aboard Bill, glad you have stepped across..........
  11. I three times that, or even thrice............
  12. And for you to say that John, it must a SOB..........
  13. Hey John, you know what I am going to say............I must finish mine...........another masterpiece in the making.......
  14. Big respect Peter, looking good....
  15. Harv, there over there SQUIRREL, there over there..............
  16. Welcome Hubert, we’re all here, roll those sleeves up and dive in...........
  17. Can’t quite read that Maru, can you make it bigger or speak louder..........
  18. Harv is all I can say......... Did I see Mozart has joined from the other side. If he has welcome aboard.........
  19. Cool guys, step away for a minute and you all go mad........
  20. Thanks for the review, dare bet Martin will be ordering one....... .
  21. A KingCobra..........wow .....
  22. My bucket list is Reno for some racing and then Oshkosh followed by visit to Seattle.........I reckon instead of Martin’s pick are there any 51’s or Sea Fury’s.....
  23. With Ernie and crowd trying to come to Telford next year, be great to see our European members also join us.........I feel a plan coming together.......
  24. Nice haul Danny, I am looking forward to Telford to replenish the bench....
  25. I replaced the barrel with AM from RB, does make it really sing........looking good Carl......
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