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Everything posted by Bomber_County

  1. Found the book in a second hand book store and the green stuff is for zimmerit and sand bags etc etc.......
  2. Being lucky enough to live close to BBMF, the Lancaster just overflew the house at approx 200ft. What a sound.........if that’s not a “buy one” I don’t know what is......
  3. Beautiful Kent, where did You find the David Brown bomb tractor....
  4. Your not alone Peter, me neither.......
  5. Absolutely stunning Pete. Those u/c looked real.......
  6. Bill all I can say is this is pure modelling. Absolutely amazing hitting the follow button so I can see these birds through.....
  7. Ade nice work, have a old Revell 87 in the stash not sure if you upgrade to a later mould.......looking forward to more pics.
  8. Thanks to all the mods here at LSM, guys you are all true gentlemen. Once more to the the bench dear friends, once more..........plagiarised from dear Bill Shakespeare... Or “there’s no place like LSM” Dorothy........... SQUIRREL...........
  9. I’m what Harv said, but probably slower ...........
  10. I have never built a Russian plane............ok let the abuse begin......
  11. Thanks James, if it’s available at Telford all I can say “ I predict a riot”
  12. Ok here goes wingspan = 102 ft therefore 102 x 12 = 1224 inches 1”= 25.4 mm therfore 1224 x 25.4 = 31,089mm 31,089 dividedby 32 = 971,55 mm wingspan in 1/32 or 38.25 inches I think that’s right
  13. Welcome Peter to LSM , dive on in the water is nice........
  14. Always use MEK these days but bought some Gorilla CA with integral brush plus screw top to keep it air tight. Very impressed......
  15. Thanks for sharing man, oh and ignore Martin his jealous........
  16. Never built CSM, what’s the consensus.......looks good nice......
  17. Tony welcome to the nice side..........there is light at the end of the tunnel.......
  18. We should try and have a meet..........always difficult when you only have the day to socialise and shop........ Ade sorry didn’t spot you, have you rolled over to.........
  19. Absolutely stunning, love the tubular wing structure, congrats...
  20. Ernie that’s pretty in a peculiar way, stunning in every detail
  21. Bet Martin gets excited about the Yak........
  22. Words fail me, stunning and all the superlatives after that.......
  23. Just catching up Peter, absolutely drop dead gorgeous.......51
  24. Isn’t life challenging enough without 7 P40’s, I could do two simultaneously, just........good on you the friend.....looking forward to the big reveal.....
  25. Ok smitty, yes damn jealous..........just enjoy and don’t even think of us poor saps trying to make a living........
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