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Everything posted by Martinnfb

  1. Hi guys I would like to contribute to the ruffle with this lovely publication, that was given to me by my friend Carl. Fascinating collection of photography from the MTO. My Mitchell will wear red stars, so somebody else can enjoy.
  2. I hear you Gus, I have a very thick accent myself and voice-recognition technology is simply out of bounds, In matter of fact I'm often, unintentionally mixing languages, especially when tired or early in the morning.
  3. Ha haa, nice set of deranged socks. And I thought that retirement is a myth :), for emigrants anyway . Enjoy Ivan, and happy retirement and Thank You for your service. Cheers M.
  4. Incredible attention to detail Danny, truly inspiring. Cheers Martin
  5. Merry Christmas guys.
  6. I will follow with interest, great start Rob !
  7. Ha haaaa, good one, thank you for the good laughs . just like this one.
  8. I missed you Kai, welcome to the forum . Cheers Martin
  9. 10 brownie points for electrical installations and safety
  10. last one...
  11. This one is priceless
  12. LOL, Trumpeter makes T-90S with a figure of a bold, slim figure that vaguely resembles Mads Mikkelsen
  13. That mold looks scary, good for you Harvey for taking on such a challenging project. So what you think 6 years and you can cook again ?
  14. I support the idea, however after what you did to Santa....I am kinda hesitant
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