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Everything posted by Martinnfb

  1. Ernie? Why not, you are one of the most active members here. It's about the fun and Christmas spirit, for instance Scotch or Vodka.
  2. Not everyone is living on the internet, only me and Harvey
  3. was anybody looking for AM 38 drawings?
  4. Welcome to the forum my friend !
  5. no way
  6. $329,- eh?
  7. Gaz, I have props , spinners, wheels etc. from various 109s, just shoot me a pm.
  8. Beautiful detail Rob. I know it is too late, but I am going to hang this picture here for future reference . the backside of the D-15 instrument panel.
  9. Thank You Mike.
  10. Sweet, that would be my choice as well. Majority of Greek jets are beaten by the element.
  11. Fantastic start of one of my favourite aeroplane. Pulling out my proverbial chair ....comfy chair
  12. Incredible scratch building once again, thank you for sharing this Kai.
  13. I have to admit , I caught a sparrow to it. But you bas see the disrupted snow on the top of the fence. That's from squirrels .
  14. Excellent source of information, thank you for sharing Jeff.
  15. wait a minute, are we counting days? I was under impression that Harvey's builds are measured by terrestrial planetary development stages
  16. Puppies are awesome !
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