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Everything posted by Martinnfb

  1. Seems like a long tail to me.
  2. Very fine work Carl, as always. I like how you're utilizing the weight of Canadian currency Cheers M.
  3. Excellent, lovely detailing. Cheers M.
  4. Gorgeous , natural light makes it look real. Thank you for sharing Hubert. Cheers M.
  5. Long tail !
  6. Find one difference
  7. I have been always tempted to push Trumpeter's kit a little further and HpH set would be a good starting point.
  8. Ha haa, good one !
  9. Let us not get too excited, there is going to be zinc chromate and brushed steel in place when the time comes, but first I have to fix the damaged panel lines and re-punch all the pesky rivets. Harvey take it as a way of priming.
  10. I can make masters for the rest if somebody can cast it.
  11. Preliminary coat of light grey, sea grey and deck blue stain, just that ugly clear plastic and get some idea about depth before riveting.
  12. Fantastic ! Your builds are joy to follow John.
  13. Interestingly, all of the omitted details are on the drawing provided in the set.
  14. Nice observation Ivan, I completely missed those bumps.
  15. Awesome, Thank You !
  16. And here is the banned Mustang commercial
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