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The Great LSM Twins Group Build ends Aug 31, 2024 ×


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Everything posted by HubertB

  1. Just buy a F4-E kit …. Voilà, voilà. Happy to have helped you out of your ordeal. Hubert 😇
  2. Making good progress Gus 👍 ! Love it ! Hubert
  3. Of course, nobody is going to complain about how accurate, or inaccurate your rendition of the nozzles is, but it looks to "squarish" to me, compared to the illustration of the film you have displayed : too flat on top and too small radius of the "corners". My use of the word "squircle" was the best representation of how it should look in my mind. Or to say it in another way: whilst the YF-23 had a "flat" top for the engine nacelles, and relatively small radius corners, the F-22 has definitely a more "rounded" look to the engine nacelles and vectoring petals. Just my two cents, of course Hubert
  4. You’re sure she’d be allowed to do that with a paper bag on her head ? Hubert
  5. Actually, the nozzles look like elongated squircles … Hubert
  6. I thought it was actually the cat building the kits 😂🤣😂 ! Hubert 😹
  7. Seeing the two kits side-by-side, I cannot help but see the differences between the two, in their stance on the ground, and more importantly in the windscreen / canopy area. I don.t know which one os closer to the original though. Hubert
  8. Great project, Rob. As for the Rexx exhausts, they are galvanically-grown metal parts. And nothing looks like metal like metal … The only issue is that, even before the invasion of Ukraine, they seemed to be made of unobtainium … Mind you, there is a modeller on Modelshipworld who showed how to do galvanic-grown parts at home. Seemed easy-peasy 🤪 (😂🤪🤣😂) . He produced some fantastic-looking wind-funnels for his model … Hubert
  9. One thing is sure: your troubles are not visible on your kit now. Great result 👍 ! Hubert
  10. At this angle, I’d rather say that it is sinking backwards. Pretty dramatic and grueling in itself … Hubert PS: you have pushed the « it’s not visible but at least I know it’s here » concept to a new height by painting the rear end before hacking it !
  11. Wow ! Your metal working skills are pushed to higher and higher levels, Peter Hubert
  12. A book … And what a book ! This is the last « in Action » book, on the TBD Devastator, by Dana Bell. wow ! Needless to say it supersedes, and by far, the previous « in Action » book on the same subject. I have a significant library on the TBD, plus a huge compilation of pictures I gathered on the net, but this one still manages to add pictures I had never seen hitherto, nor even, to my despair, found … Add to that the infinitely knowledgeable comments by Dana Bell, and you have an absolute « must have » book, at least if you have even a passing interest on the TBD. Hubert
  13. I’m with Martin here 👍 Hubert
  14. You could do a forced perspective dio , with compressed depth of (Russian, of course) field …. Now, about those pills … Hubert
  15. Cool …I remember finishing exactly this one, in the mid-eighties, in 1/48, from …. the old ID Models vac-form … Had an undignified end when my two boys started playing around the house with it Hubert
  16. Thanks Martin. Dale was a great friend sorely missed 😢 Hubert
  17. Beautiful work, as usual, Mike 👍 Hubert
  18. Thanks Peter. I have to say that the older I grow, the more I think house moves are for young people … I always made a rule to finish installing everything after a move within 6 weeks, and not leave any boxes unopened. This time, it took twice as long, but the last boxes have finally been opened : they were the (small) ones containing my paint tins … But I would not envision yet another move light-heartedly, now 😓 Hubert
  19. On the horse’s back. Didn’t you see it (the horse) ? Dang, that bloody animal has ran AWOL again … Hubert
  20. First project is restoring the "Columbia" model you can see in the background of picture #3. Not my build (must have been made in Mauritius), but it has been living trough even more moves in 20 years (add 3 or 4) and is in need of some careening and repairs to shine back to its former glory. Then it's back to Fisher's Cutlass, and then most probably the Devastator ... Hubert PS: and even though it is more cluttered when working on a model, I make it a rule to keep the workbench as tidy as possible, cleaning it up after a modelling session. Makes SWMBO happier, and, objectively, me as well ...
  21. As some of you may know, I moved end of last year in a completely refurbished new house. Hopefully, after 7 moves in 11 years, during which I refurbished 2 houses and had a new one built from scratch, this is the last stop before the crematorium (with maybe just the elder's house for debilitated people in-between) 🤞 ... But then, who knows, with my record of late 😂 🤣 😂 ? Anyway, even though the "honey-do" list is not completely exhausted, I crossed in the last hour an important milestone: I finished re-installing my workbench. I added some extra HobbyZone modules, so that now all my paints, including some 30 years-old Humbrol tins, are accessible and readily visible. They have added to their range a module with tilting drawers, very convenient for seeing and storing paints. We have a 30 sqm mezzanine in the new house, with natural light coming from the East and West, and this is where we set-up the modelling, scrap-booking (for Patricia) areas, and home-office for both of us. Now, I have no excuse not to get beck to some modelling (apart from the golfing sessions, the "honey-do" list, and some medical concerns) ! I hope you like the new set-up. And, btw, if you ever come to Portugal, just drop me a PM. You will be welcome for a drink, or more . Fran knows he has already a permanent invitation standing. Hubert
  22. I am sooooo much better than you, Carl. I started my scratchbuilt Aichi Hansa only in 2008 … It had time to see the WnW Hansa-Brandenburg W29 come and go … Thank you for lifting my spirits and alleviating my guilt, my friend 👍 🤣 Hubert
  23. Impressive workmanship, and very educative thread. I’m learning a lot on the Whirlwind as you go. Thanks to you and Gunnar 👍! Hubert
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